@wmodes ...
Stefanie has retired, so you won't be seeing additional responses from her here in the Community. I read through the OP and her response, however. Yes, the OP did ask about essay questions. However, to my knowledge, this is not possible with essay questions in either the current Classic Quizzes interface or the New Quizzes interface. However, the response that Stefanie provided, to me, seems like a viable work-around.
I'll also mention that current Classic Quizzes are not really being developed/worked on any more by Instructure. Rather, the focus has been on New Quizzes. So, if you wanted to suggest any enhancements to New Quizzes (geared towards essay questions), then you'd need to submit a new Feature Idea here in the Community. However, for about another half-month, the entire Feature Idea process has been temporarily disabled so that Instructure can do some maintenance and revisions to the process. In early February 2023, Feature Ideas will open back up, and all Community members will be able to learn more about how the new process will work. You can read more about this at Idea Conversations: The Path Forward.
For the time being, if you have New Quizzes available to you, you might want to try out Stefanie's suggestion to see if it would meet your needs. If you do not have New Quizzes available to you yet, you'll want to reach out to your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Learning department (or your school's Canvas administrator) to see what their plans are for making New Quizzes available to you and your colleagues.
I hope this will help a bit. Sing out if there are any questions...thanks!