[ARCHIVED] Content disaggregation harms ability of standalone web 2.0 packages to access local files

Community Explorer

I am a javascript developer. I am new to Canvas. Our standalone content has hitherto worked perfectly well on various websites and LMSs.

I am using the "File" blob-type (excuse me if my terminology is wrong) to point to an index html, which acts as the starting point to run our content. The content is uploaded into the files area via the "expanded zip" option.

Our content can run standalone in any conventional website, and does not need any server-specific technology.

All our content file-calls are same domain. We use xhr ajax-type requests to access font-woffs and javascript files.

Since moving to Canvas we have been plagued by CORS (Cross-Origin-Resours-Sharing) errors. I have made sure that my html packages invoke NO cross-domain files. Fonts are local; javascript is local.

Canvas disaggregates my content, sending it off to server farms like amazon, eu-uploads, cloudnet. The point about CORS technology ought to be that it enables the content to run "as if it were same-domain".

But it's not working out that way. Is there a way to tell Canvas NOT to disaggregate content in this manner (we do not wish to turn all our packages into scorm content to get round the problem)? Or is there a server tweak to make all these ancillary domains TRUST all requests as though they were local?

I am not a sever-side developer and have no access to server side "levers" to address this.

I fell confident others must have faced these challenges in the past.

Can anyone help?

Thank you in advance

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