[ARCHIVED] Course Copy/Import "issues" and missing links

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Community Novice

HI, I'm trying to copy a created course into a shell. I have tried Copy and then I tried importing content through settings. I repeatedly get an error message (see image below). When I click on the Missing Link words, I am taken to what looks like the course homepage, in my shell, but when I go to the Dashboard and click on the course, the course is empty. Help! Thanks. 343808_pastedImage_2.png

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @keschwab ...

I'm assuming that you are wanting to copy an entire course, correct?  Also, I am assuming that you are using the instructions outlined here?  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12935-415257077  When I help people with copying course content, I like to think of things like this...  Your course where the content currently resides is your "source" course.  Your empty course shell where the content is going to be copied to is your "destination" course.  As you follow the instructions in the linked Guide, you want to be logged in to your "destination" course.  As you go through those directions, you'll be selecting your "source" course from the drop-down menu, and then you should see your content copied into your "destination" course.

I hope this helps a bit, Keri.  Please let Community members know if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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