[ARCHIVED] File Size Maximum

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What is the maximum size of a file to upload into a discussion board?

Formats: MP4 & Zip

Please reply to jstpau@dcc.edu


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1 Solution
Community Champion


It depends a little on how it's uploaded.  Canvas has a hard limit on individual files sizes of 500 MB I believe.  However, things like Course Quotas and Individual Quotas also come into play.  For a discussion, if attachments are allowed I think they will go against the personal quota of the person attaching and that defaults at 50 MB. Many schools have upped that limit so it may be different where you are at.

For videos in particular I suggest NOT using the option to attach files.  Instead, upload the video files using the Record/upload media button.  This will not count against the user or individual quota; and will re-encode various media formats to play on about any type of device.  It's designed for delivering media instead of just delivering a media file like a file server.  Note: the guide below says "as an instructor" but it's the exact same for a student.

How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?  

For the Zip files, if they sizes are going to be too large another option is to have students host them on Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive or some other cloud system.  Your school may have already integrated one or more of these into your instance of Canvas, but you also might have access to do so just for your class.  To enable one of these integrations go to Settings, Apps.  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10300-415274551 



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