[ARCHIVED] Grade book unable to grade?

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Grades have gone missing. Unable to enter final grades for end of term

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Community Champion

Hi  @goodgott  - If you are unable to input grades at all, it is likely that the course is past the ENDS date for the term and/or there is some sort of term date coming into play and the course site is essentially in a "read-only" state. Rather than bore you with the technical details, the best advice I can give to you is to contact the Canvas administrator or the IT support at your institution about this so that they can adjust these dates for the course site for you so that you can input the grades

If indeed you are looking at your course site and the grades are missing altogether that's highly, highly unusual and may eventually warrant contacting Canvas support.  (Also, be aware if you are indeed missing grades, there is a way to find the grade history for virtually everything, as outlined in How do I view the history of all grading changes in the Gradebook?  But really....that should be a last resort.  My hunch is that it is the term date coming into play so check with your local Canvas administrators.)

Hope this helps, Gaylene.

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