How do I allow access to my webcam to record a video on the rich content editor?

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Community Novice

When attempting to record a video for my class discussion, I try to record a video using the Record/Upload Media button on the the Rich Content Editor. However, when I go to record, I get a window that says "Please allow us to access your webcam." How do I allow access to my webcam to be able record my videos? I have not been successful in finding that option.

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello there,  @sandovm4 ...

This is usually a setting within your browser that you'll need to check to see if it is enabled or not.  Here are a couple resources I found for you about how to enable your webcam:

I hope these resources will be of help to you, Marcos.  Please let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!  Be well, and stay safe.

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