[ARCHIVED] How many views a page has received?

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Is there a way you can view the analytics of a page? I'm trying to see how many times a page is being viewed. I can see the revision history, but I want to know if my students are looking at certain pages. 

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Community Champion

 @courtneyslewis ,

You can see whether an individual student has viewed a specific content item (called an asset) by using the Access Report. It gives you all of their activity rather than just the activity for a single page.

There is no capability built-in for getting all students who have viewed an item.

I wrote a free userscript that downloads the access reports for all the users in a course and then you can use Excel to see who has seen what.

Obtaining and using Access Report data for an entire course 

It's one of the more popular things I've written and it seems I've used it a lot recently when students complain that they don't know what's going on. I run it and it shows that they never even opened the page that contained all the videos for the week or the introduction page that explained what they should do for that week.

It is heavily documented, but you should ignore any references to GreaseMonkey in the documentation and stick with Tampermonkey. GreaseMonkey made some incompatible changes when the browsers forced them to be more secure.

You can get the number of page views for a content page from the New Analytics in the Weekly Online Activity tab. It doesn't tell you who looked at it and the it is a duplicated count. It also contains the number of students who viewed it, but not which ones.

One trick you can use is to put the content page into a module and then make viewing it a requirement for the module. At the top of the modules page, you can click the View Progress button. This will give you a list of students and you can click on each student to see what progress they have made in that module (it helps if the module is at the top). The items they've done are removed and only the items remaining are left.

You'll still have to go through each student individually, but it doesn't require adding any external scripts.

Adding requirements for modules also provides a way for students to check off things they've done. I require that they actually do something -- mark as done -- score at least 60% -- etc. Looking at my module progress, those who are taking the time to actually mark things off are generally my more conscientious students who are doing better. A lot of the students struggling to find things aren't marking anything off.

I may have to make a video explaining the benefits of marking things off when they're done.

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