[ARCHIVED] How to access mail from other trainers

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Hi all

For compliance, we need to have the ability to check mail content. Whether it's because the audit team need to be able to see mails about assessment extensions, or for ensuring communication on the system is appropriate. 

Does IT have any way to view emails?

My understanding is they don't, so my options would be to disable the system. 

Is my understanding correct?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Luke,

Is your school using the "Free for Teachers" version of Canvas, or your own Canvas instance?   And by "email", do you mean the Canvas Inbox tool (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-is-the-Inbox/ta-p/55 ) aka "Conversations" in the permissions settings, or actual email to the student's email address, which would occur outside of Canvas?

The Canvas administrator can "act as" any user to see what they see on the Canvas system (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-act-as-another-user-in-an-account/ta-p/161 ), so it is possible to review Inbox content if needed, from both the senders' and the recipients' view.  

If you want to disable the Inbox tool, you do that by turning of the "Conversions" related permissions on the course roles.

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