Invalid Scope Error When Launching an External Tool in Canvas

Community Novice

Hi all! 👋
I'm new to Canvas LMS and working on integrating it with my tool (a knowledge assessment system) to allow students to take tests relevant to their courses.

What I'm doing
I deployed Canvas in a Docker container and created a new LTI key along with an app in Canvas. My tool is added to an assignment as an external tool, and when I switch to the student view and open the assignment, the tool launches as expected.
Canvas correctly makes a request to the URL I specified as the OpenID Connect Initiation URL. I then redirect this request to login/oauth2/auth, but Canvas responds with the following URL-encoded error:

A requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner. The following scopes were requested, but not granted: openid.

It seems that the openid scope is not being granted, despite the tool being properly configured.

Code Implementation
Below is the C# code handling the OpenID Connect launch request:

public ActionResult Launch([FromForm] string client_id, [FromForm] string login_hint)
    var query = new QueryBuilder
        { "client_id", client_id },
        { "login_hint", login_hint },
        { "redirect_uri", "https://localhost:5000/receive_token" },
        { "response_type", "code" },
        { "scope", "openid" },
        { "state", "some-random-string" },
        { "nonce", "some-random-nonce" },
        { "prompt", "none" }

    var redirectUrl = "http://localhost:3001/login/oauth2/auth" + query;
    return Redirect(redirectUrl);

How can I resolve this issue and ensure that the openid scope is granted properly? Thanks in advance for any help! 🙌

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