Missing images in New Quizzes linked to Item Banks when course is imported

Community Participant

I have 70+ images in 30+ quizzes that were created years ago as Classic Quizzes with Question Banks, and I spent all this past summer converting them to New Quizzes and Item Banks. I imported my fall course exports into my upcoming spring classes and got error messages about images. First, why am I getting error messages if I can see images in Student View?

Second, I've read in several posts that storing Item Bank images in User Files instead of Course Files may solve this problem, but I'm confused. This page says, "No other users can view files in your user files." Will going into an Item Bank to replace an image with an image in User Files fix the problem if the course/quiz has already been imported/copied? Since I've already set up my spring courses, does this mean I'll have to go into each quiz in each course and manually replace every image with a Course Image? I can't start over because (a) only one person in our IT department can wipe a course, and she's on break until Jan. 4, and (b) even if she could wipe the course right now for me to start over, it takes me two or three days to update each course each semester. Classes start Jan. 6. What do I do?

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