[ARCHIVED] Online Student Resources in Canvas courses

Community Explorer

Hello Canvas Community IDs!

We are transitioning to Canvas this May. In our (soon to be) old LMS we have a multitude of Online student resources,  Netiquette documents, Code of Ethics survey and other various items of the sort. The resources were template to all online courses.  The resources were included in our LMS prior to my hiring.

In moving to Canvas, I want to trim down the extraneous resources for cognitive load purposes.  Plus I know our Online student resources were not used very much, if at all. Our Code of Ethics survey that students submitted was untrackable - you couldn't tell who did/did not complete - no one could - not teachers, not adminstrators, etc. In essence it was a task asked of students that had no meaning. 

Under the bare minimum mindset, what do your institutions include in your online courses for student resources and/or netiquette behaviors?  Do you have students submit code of ethics?  Do you have netiquette statements?  What do your online student resources comprise of?

Thanks in advance for sharing the Canvas-love,

Ellen C. Bloomfield, EdD

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