[ARCHIVED] Points or benchmark grading schemes?

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I was asked today by one of my instructional designers if there was a way to create a grading scheme without using percentages for the course.  Instead they wanted to use benchmarks or points/scores accumulated, for example:

0-99 points is an F

100-199 is a D

200-299 is a C

300-399 is a B

400 and above is an A

In this case the total possible points does not matter, its more about meeting certain point benchmarks and once they are met your grade will increase based off the points the student has earned.

Is this possible in Canvas?

Looking at the guides and going into Canvas myself i only see percentages as a possible for assigning a letter grade using a grading scheme.  Anyone have any insight on this?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

 @jazemlya ​, I'm actually thinking this would work. Technically the scale can be converted to a percent if we could get the top number of points available in the course. For example, if the top number of points was 500 then:

0-99 points is an F --> 0-19%

100-199 is a D --> 20-39%

200-299 is a C --> 40-59%

300-399 is a B --> 60-79%

400-500 is an A --> 80-100%

The instructor would want to:

What would then happen is that all students would start the course with an F (0-19% or 0-99 points) because every assignment would show a zero in the gradebook. Then, as the student earned more points, their letter grade would slowly raise based on the points (technically percent) they had earned out of the total (500 in my example).

Does this make sense? Does this help?

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