[ARCHIVED] QA Reviews for Online Courses : Oh The Manual Labor...

Community Participant

Hello Fabulous Community Members, 

Happy New Year! I have an interesting question for all of you....

At Touro College, we use an internal rubric to score the quality of our online courses. This process is very manually (factory-like) and presents a variety of challenges including: 

  • Discrepancies between ID scores and Evaluator scores - IDs have to "re-score" 
  • Iterative back and forth between both parties 
  • Tracking faculty interactions and live updates (e.g. who was met with, what was discussed etc)

Our QA reviews are completed semesterly. Based on your experiences doing QA reviews for courses, what are some of the methods you use to 1. save time, 2. incentivize faculty to complete necessary modifications, 3. norming among scorers/evaluators? In other words, what does your process look like? 

Any information, resources, or guidance you can share is greatly appreciated. 


Holly Owens 

Assistant Director of Instructional Design, Online Education 

Touro College and University System 

New York, New York 


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