[ARCHIVED] Reorder Questions in Question Bank

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As I am creating questions in the question bank, I realize that I would like them to be in a different order. I know that they will be in a new order when I pull them into the quiz randomly, but as I am working on them, I would like to be able to drag them up and down as you can within a quiz. (I know how to move or copy questions between banks, but not how to move questions within the same bank.)

I see that the question bank automatically alphabetizes them when you refresh the page. In one instance, I began labeling the questions 01, 02, 03, etc. However, I sometimes decide to add a question later on, and I want it to go between questions 45 & 46 for example. My understanding is that this would require me to change the numbering for all the questions (something I would not be willing to do).

This is basically something I want for my own sanity. It helps me know how many questions I've written for each section of my quiz, which order the questions should go in, etc. I basically want to make my question bank nearly identical to the quiz before pulling them in. When I have a lot of questions in a bank, it becomes rather unwieldy. 


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1 Solution
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Community Coach

 @kloughrist , greetings! I'm sorry that your question has sat here for so long without a response. I agree that this feature would be wonderful to have! Right now though, Canvas is focused on developing Quizzes.Next - the new quizzing engine. To check out the progress and features for the new quizzes see the following - Priority: Quizzes.Next: General Availability‌. 


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