[ARCHIVED] Retrospective Turnitin checks for an assignment

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Is it possible retrospectively to add Turnitin checks to a completed assignment.  I have student papers that I'd like to check for plagiarism, but I cannot see how to do this given that checking was not originally defined for the assignment.  I have tried setting up a new assignment, but as an instructor it is not possible for me to upload the papers.  Lesson learnt - set up Turnitin in the first place! - but is there a workaround for this one? 

Thanks in advance for any answers!

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Community Coach

Hello there, @MikeBell ...

I am pretty sure this is still the case (but @dhulsey could probably confirm for sure) that you would need to sign in to the Turnitin website to run student submissions through Turnitin ... since they were already submitted through Canvas and not the Turnitin integration.  Dallas' blog posting, Canvas and Turnitin - Instructure Community, may have some insights on this (either in his write-up or within the comments).

Hope this will help a bit. 

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