[ARCHIVED] SCORM Failing to Update Grade to Complete

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I have been troubleshooting an issue with my SCORM modules failing to register a final grade of complete (graded complete/incomplete) in Canvas since March. They remain incomplete even after the final quiz which tracks the module completion (set to track results slide) is submitted. I have been using the same packages (updated for content every few months and re-published every term) for a year and a half with this issue only happening a handful of times a term, and now it is happening almost every single time. I have almost 250 people experiencing this issue in my course at the moment which is causing me a gigantic headache. I've tried them all in SCORM Cloud and sent them to Articulate and all checks out with the eLearning. Canvas told me this was a problem in March but I haven't heard about a fix yet, and the course I just launched this morning is already experiencing the same issue. I sent in a help ticket but am seeing if anyone here can shed light on what's going on if it takes them a while to get back to me. I publish to SCORM 2004 4th edition and track a results slide (the final quiz is them hitting the "submit" button). 

Thank you! 

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