[ARCHIVED] The New Rich Content Editor - Review and a Request

Community Member

Dear Canvas Developers and decision-makers,

I am an instructor and I have used Canvas for 2 years now. 

The new Rich Content Editor is a complete failure. So far, I have been using it to create 4 new courses and I absolutely hate it. 

I do not understand why you needed to change it just before the new semester starts. This was shortsighted and very frustrating for a lot of instructors who spent months learning the old interface. Now with just weeks or days before the spring semester start, we find ourselves fumbling around trying to build our courses. 

There are no improvements in the ease of use; just detriments!

First, you can't find what you are looking for, you have to dig through hidden menus.

A Simple text alignment icon is buried in the Format menu! Why?!! Please don't send me to click on the 3 dots at the end of the menu for More Options. This is weak! 

Why can't you have it the way it was before. I could easily find everything in the old interface.

Second - uploading images was easy and you had a choice to upload them in folders to keep everything organized. Now, I have no idea where I am dropping these images at. Are they going into the course content, in what folder? There is no way to select a folder; it is one big mess. 

If you thought, just dropping images randomly in a big window was helpful, let me tell you, it is NOT! The window covers everything and I cannot see what I am selecting.

Embedding videos used to be easy, now it is terrible. Before I could just open the embed button and paste in the link, chose a size and that was it! Now I have to go and get a specific embed code online, go back to the course, change my view to HTML code, and place the embed code there to work! This is preposterous! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!!!!

Please, please, let us revert to the old interface!


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