Trouble Accessing Video Recordings on Canvas Conferences

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Community Novice

Good Afternoon!  I teach at a community college that uses Canvas, and since COVID-19, I've been using the Conferences tool to share and record online lectures.  It's worked wonderfully for the most part.  Currently, however, a few of my summer students are having trouble accessing the recordings.  Any ideas on what could be going wrong?  So far as I know, I am following the same procedure I always do for sharing and recording.  

Grateful for any insights.  Thanks!

1 Solution

Hi Beth,

I am the product manager for BigBlueButton. While I work at Blindside Networks, the company that provides hosting for Canvas Conferences to Instructure, and can't speak on behalf of Instructure, I can respond to your question.

> Currently, however, a few of my summer students are having trouble accessing the recordings.

Are the students late joiners to the course?  If so, then they won't be able to see any conferences (or their corresponding recordings) created before they joined.  For more details, see

  Students are not able to see/join their Canvas Conferences – Blindside Networks Customer Support Por... 

Regards,... Fred

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