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I had a final exam today, halfway through my connection was gone (despite still having wifi bars) for about 5 seconds. At this time, Canvas and my Zoom invigilation were reconnecting. I knew my internet was back when zoom reconnected.   I finished th...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to print a list of assignment due dates and activities from List view in the Dashboard? Our courses are set up by module, so using the Assignment Tab only produces a list of assignments in one module. I would like one running list of a...

  • 2 Replies

I use the free Canvas option to teach my classes. I have started running into issues where students can't upload their projects, and after advising them to make sure the file size is not too big, some are still running into this issue. They say they ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am working with a teacher to troubleshoot the Grade Passback from Canvas to Synergy (SIS).  We keep getting an error message that reads, "Cannot read property 'assignment_group_id' of undefined."  Does anyone know what this means?  I figured this w...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have a teacher who created about 76 assignment groups. Now when you click on the assignment tab Canvas will freeze and eventually you will need to close the tab, it stops responding. I could fix this if I could somehow stop the page from loading bu...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I spent hours adding general comments to a quiz after the quiz had been taken, in order to address common issues students had so I wouldn't need to leave as much individual feedback. Big mistake. Apparently, general comments won't show up if you add ...

  • 2 Replies

In a cross-listed course, one instructor differentiates all her assignments to one section or  the other of students in her course.  When assigning to that section, Canvas will ask if she wants to continue to assign it to just that section, and she c...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I changed the late assignment grade setting in the entire grade book, but penalties are still being applied to assignments.  I have attached two screenshots.  One is of the late work policy setting and one of a student's grade currently (penalty stil...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi. I am the TA in a course and we have had some issues over the past few days. So the professor says that he entered grades and comments for a particular assignment using SpeedGrader, however, I see neither of these and it appears they are completel...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Our teachers have a homeroom course generated from our SIS, so that should work well with the new elementary dashboard.  However, teachers in upper elementary who are departmentalized have a one-to-many set up.  Will that work with the new Canvas for...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have a course with many quizzes ( next and H5P). We want to add the quizzes to the learning outcomes, to provide students with some kind of progression indication. Can some tell me how to do this? All i can see is adding individual questions to th...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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We have integrated a ticketing system within Canvas using LTI tool. The next step for us is to integrate its notification within Canvas conversations. However, unlike other endpoints, the Conversations API is a little bit harder to understand. I've b...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible for the parents to view the marked rubric that the student sees? 

  • 2 Replies

I have been (mostly successfully) using the API more and more to help set up and run my Canvas courses. One thing I can't find anything about is the grade book, in particular around the posting marks policy and checking the status of and executing th...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have a Canvas quiz.  I would like for my students to be able to take the quiz during normal class time, say 1pm to 2pm either Wednesday or Thursday.  How can I have the quiz be open during those times (1-2 Wed and 1-2 Thu) but not during times in-b...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, 1) We noticed that students were able to see their actual marks instead of their letter grades even after the assignment had been set to "display letter grade". Is there any way to resolve this? 2) In group assignments, instructors used to be abl...

  • 4 Replies

My son has trouble tracking all of his current and past due assignments. Is it possible to view all assignments, for all courses, in one place (rather than having to go to Grades for each course individually)?

  • 5 Replies

Hi, I am trying to delete concluded students from a course. I initially wanted to just leave them in concluded, but they are making my analytic reports inaccurate and showing up in progress reports as not having been active. When I do an analytics re...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello. I have noticed that assignments created by my teacher without a due date (but still needing to be done) do not show up in the most helpful To-Do list. Is there a way to get assignments with no due date to show in the To-Do list?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Can someone look at this screen shot and help me to understand why the answers were marked wrong?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone know how to add ProctorU LTI to Canvas? Or does account services/customer success team have to handle.

  • 3 Replies

Hello everyone. I was wondering what do I do when I finish a class early. Do I just leave it alone since I'm done with it or is there some sort of "finishing task" I need to do to complete it? Thanks

  • 2 Replies

Hi all,  I have set module release dates for all my modules. I just noticed that students are accessing pages and activities within modules that have not opened. The only way I have been able to duplicate this is by clicking from the Course Summary l...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
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I'm wondering if there is anyway to create a set of "canned comments" for assignments. I find myself typing out the same comments to many, many students for common issues or problems. It would be nice to have a list of comments I create for each assi...

  • 4 Replies

Hi Hi! I was wondering how to send messages to people for courses I am no longer taking. I wanted to email an instructor from about a year ago (as I don't think they check their email often) and I was hoping to use canvas. However, I can't seem to wr...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have set up my assignments groups and added weights. Each of my assignments is out of 100 points. How will the course grade be actually calculated? 

  • 1 Replies

I have designed a course which takes place during the whole year and improves the students academic skills (e.g. Academic writing in English). Assignments for this course are linked to the ones of other courses. So for example the course Philosophy r...

  • 2 Replies

I am an instructor trying to automate giving extensions/setting due dates for certain students, but I don't understand where to programmatically access the "Everyone Else" due date. I first make a new assignment in Canvas using the web interface and ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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The grade export produces a .csv file that appears below. I need each data point to appear in its own cell. I can't use the sheet which looks like these two images.       

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