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I've been using Canvas's on board messaging feature to send messages to students within canvas class sections, as I have been unable to find a simple way to access canvas class lists via my campus e-mail (the student replies to go to my e-mail, howev...

  • 10 Replies

Hello! I have a canvas course for students in grades K-5. I have create a section for each grade level. I was wondering if there was a way to limit pages to certain sections? i.e. I made a 5th grade page and only want students in the section "5th gra...

  • 4 Replies

In GRADEBOOK I have categories that I want to delete (For example, QUIZ, TEST, ASSIGNMENT, HOMEWORK).  I cannot find the location to edit and delete these.  Can anyone help?

  • 4 Replies

Recently set up a local Canvas server according to the Quickstart guide (very nice guide, worked first time). All was well for a day. Could log in, create modules, developer keys etc etc. Then, all login attempts started failing with a message "Inval...

  • 6 Replies

I have a new class with 6 sections (plus a "test" section that I used to experiment this summer). I had my kids respond to a graded discussion in class yesterday. The discussion worked fine. Kids responded. The discussion shows up in my "to do" list ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Hello, I want to change the lock_at date of quizzes/exams for individual students via API. In Canvas LMS - REST API and Extensions Documentation → Create an assignment overrideOne of the required parameters is "assignment_override[title]". I don't kn...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Whenever I receive a message via my canvas inbox I receive an email notifying me of the message. I would like to respond to the message through my email, but, when trying to do so, I am told, "To reply to Canvas messages from this email, it must firs...

  • 5 Replies

Hi all, might not be the right place, but I thought I would ask. I notice that there have been a couple of discussions mentioning the unlocking of module requirements for a specific user :

  • 5 Replies

Hello everyone,I'm quite new to Canvas so I apologize if this question has already been answered elsewhere. I am working in a course shell to familiarize myself with the content and tried to create a custom homepage that my students will see when the...

  • 2 Replies

I accidentally synced an assignment to synergy under the wrong assignment group. Now I cannot edit the assignment in synergy or delete it. I have tried editing the assignment group on both the synergy and canvas sides but it will not change the assig...

  • 18 Replies

i took a test that i posted in canvas as a test student. now i can not delete it and can not unpublish the quiz.  HELP!

  • 2 Replies

Canvas Catalog, Is there an ability to receive an email alert or confirmation that someone has registered for a catalog course instead of pulling the analytic reports @catalog

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I copied a course from last semester. The image files that were copied over will not publish even when I click on the publish button. It just keeps the default "Only available to students with link". The folder that the files are in is also hidden an...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

I teach 2 periods of the same courses so I created my Homepage and content in one course of each with the intent to copy it over to the other course so that I only had to do the work once.  When I import the course, the image files are not copying ov...

  • 2 Replies

I've just signed both my daughters in for the first time, as the links were sent to my (the parent) email. So, it logged them both in with my email and then asked me if I wanted to link the student accounts. I did not realize at the time we could cre...

  • 3 Replies

Although my student has successfully generated a pairing code for me, every time I attempt to create a parent account using the system generated pairing code I receive an "Invalid pairing code" error.  Yes, I know the pairing codes are case-sensitive...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 21 Replies

I use a labor-based grading contract in my class rather than numerical scores on assignments. I don't see how to use a grading scale in the gradebook in Canvas.

  • 14 Replies

How to I turn off the welcome tour so it doesn't pop up every single time I log in to canvas?

  • 5 Replies

Hello, I was helping another instructor import content from my course to theirs, that worked without any trouble, but now when I click on any of my PDfs in any of my current and previous classes I either get a "Failed to  Fetch" error or just a loadi...

  • 2 Replies

Can questions be formatted in a certain way to import them into a quiz and/or question bank?

  • 9 Replies

I need to find all the pages of my course that contain a specific text phrase. How do I do that? 

  • 3 Replies

I'd like to make a suggestion to improve Canvas. This involves changing the student's privileges under "User Details." Currently, the default is “Let this user see all course users.” To change this to allow them to see only the users in their section...

  • 5 Replies

Goal: To save a Fall 2019 Class for future useI have imported my sp 2020 into fall 2020.  Good to go.Question: To save a Fall 2019 class, I exported it. Hoping to access it for future use - not this semester.**Where is it exported to? I clicked on Ne...

  • 6 Replies

i want to export course content fr@m a free account to a paid acct but my computer is not recognizing imscc files. i have windows 2016. how can i download this program?

  • 2 Replies

I got all the way through the Canvas guide but the last step is not correctly labeled and I think that's my issue. See screen shots. What goes in that field?

  • 2 Replies

I'm configuring a self-hosted canvas lms install and need to add the chat feature. According to the documentation this is an external app developed by instructure. I seached in eduApps but doesnt appear available to install. Is the chat app open sour...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Is it possible to embed a fillable PDF to Canvas, one that students could answer within Canvas and submit?

  • 2 Replies

I've been assigned additional sections to the same course, how can I combine into one course?

  • 3 Replies

Last spring, when students turned a Google Doc in to Canvas, the doc was reformatted to a pdf.  As a world language teacher, it is helpful for me to see the edit history of student work, as many use Google Translate to write in English and then trans...

  • 2 Replies

I am learning new quizzes.   I have been happy with some of the changes but I am currently frustrated.  We are new to Canvas this summer so I hadn't really done much in classic quizzes.  I am hoping this is operator error.  I put together a quiz.  I ...

  • 9 Replies