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Not sure how to search for or if Canvas is even capable of performing this function… I’m looking for a way to have multiple (randomly selected) questions for a single question (i.e. like a rolodex of question choices for a given question). There migh...

  • 2 Replies

When calling the courses API I get a 504 Gateway Time-out error at random times. This is not a consistent error, but is happening once per month at least and I cannot find a cause to this problem. It doesn't seem to be related to outages and is alway...

  • 1 Replies

Trying to release a course to students today, Under 'participation', I chose 'course' and today's date at 4 pm. When I save details in reverts to Jan 01, 2025.

  • 1 Replies

I attended a webinar about Equatio integration into the RCE in Schoology (a true integration versus the current "insert  Equatio menu" - the Equatio rep said it would also become available in Canvas. Any idea when that might occur?

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I try to subscribe to canvas  webhooks for an  LTI2 tool. (I'm using canvas-lms stable brach on github installed on my server).  But to create the subscription, canvas (the file live_events_subscription_service.rb) do a request on an external ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm creating an IF function and I have several others that I know work -  such as if(b+c<a,0,if(a+b<c,0,if(a+c<b,0,1))) can be used to determine if 3 given numbers create a triangle - so I know my general process is correct.My new formula determines ...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way of reordering the list of the courses you are enrolled on in the Calendar view? It's easy enough on the Dashboard view but any changes I make there don't seem translate into the order I see them on my Calendar view.

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I have been importing quizzes/exams from a previous semester into my current semester which I then edit or update rather than starting from scratch. So far I have imported 2 exams but when I went to import the 3rd it showed up differently and ...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to set a minimum F of 50% for any attempted auto-graded assignment? I know we can set a 50% for any missing assignment - but that isn't what I need.  

  • 2 Replies

I am assigning specific students make-up assignments, only under a different name and a different module. When assigning the students who need the assignment, it does not give access to those specific students. It doesn't show due dates and those stu...

  • 2 Replies

Hello all - is there somewhere in Canvas students can check how many hours they've logged into Canvas? Obviously, I can tell them when I click on People in the course; but does anyone know of a way the student can see this for themselves? I couldn't ...

  • 2 Replies

I need help... I'd like to start using badges and have a plan (that's already been somewhat thwarted by the inability to give gold/silver/bronze level badges for the same module)... I'd like to give students to ability to earn a badge by % score for ...

  • 2 Replies

High School teacher here- A couple of days ago I implemented a late penalty into Canvas. What I didn't realize was this new action would "retro-affect" previously submitted assignments. I've gone back in and removed the penalty designation in the sys...

  • 1 Replies

I created an assignment in Canvas and only chose my in-person students. I created another assignment for my virtual students. I did not choose everyone on either assignment, only specific students. When I try to Grade Sync them to Infinite Campus, it...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Are there best practices for how to cite sources in Canvas pages? Is it better to have a reference list at the end of each page, or one reference list at the end of the lesson? I'd appreciate ideas/input on whether one way or the other is more user-f...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,I have been seeking a way to search all of the discussion boards in a course for a name (in order to gauge overall participation). Is there a way to do that now? There was a conversation in 2017 but I can't find anything more recent addressing ...

  • 3 Replies

My student cannot automatically access a Google Cloud assignment.  He has to request access every time.  I have gone into his account and made it so he accepts all cookies.

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone have a template/outline they are willing to share for the development of a Canvas LMS professional learning workshop series? Ideally, I am looking to develop a workshop that has 3 levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) and a resource t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Your Quiz changes were made without proper software testing and screwed everything up for teachers

  • 1 Replies

My canvas website is not loading on my MacBook. I have tried going to canvas on Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Safari, but the website is still not working properly. Below is the link to a video which shows the website problem:

  • 5 Replies

How to unlink multiple assignments I have in all modules. I have the same copy with its content of one assignment in all modules. how do I stop that?

  • 1 Replies

I have a number of courses that are active and assigned to users (via SIS). When i act as the user (including my own user) not all of the tiles for active courses are on the dashboard. If I go to courses, they are also not listed there until I choose...

  • 3 Replies

I am a teacher at a high school converting to Canvas. Our courses are asynchronous classes with weekly start dates for new students. We will be using the same course in Canvas for the entire school year. What would be the best way to manage assignmen...

  • 1 Replies

We also have a student who has submitted a first attempt assessment twice. Does anyone know how to remove the duplicate, and still have the assessment attempt recorded as attempt 1?

  • 2 Replies

Hi all We have some students who have submitted their first assessment attempt, made some updates, and re-uploaded the attempt for marking. It is now recorded as "Attempt 2", but is actually still "attempt 1". Does anyone know how to update this to c...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My school told us today that we need to update everything in Canvas that pulls from Google Drive and go back and load it with Google Drive (LTI 1.3). I have a lot of PowerPoints and reference material that I have loaded from Google Drive as an extern...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I post a lot of links to YouTube videos in my Canvas class. In the past when I did this, it would automatically include a thumbnail of the video along with the text link. Now, the thumbnails don't appear anymore. Does anyone know how to get th...

  • 9 Replies

How can I align a particular assessment question with 1 or more outcomes? I found some posts whichsuggested that this is possible provided the "new quizzes" option is chosen. So I investigated"new quizzes" option by looking around in "settings" but c...

  • 1 Replies

I divide my class into discussion groups. Each discussion group will stay intact for the full term and engage in various discussion boards together. I will get a notification when a student makes an initial post on the discussion board. However, if I...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Wondering how to adjust the image displayed for a button on the Global Navigation Bar in Canvas.  

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