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So, my school is limiting how many daily grades can go into our official gradebook, but as a math teacher, I take a grade everyday we have class which gives me a lot of grades. I thought about having the assignments for one week placed into one assig...

  • 1 Replies

I have been successfully using my webcam and mic to record feedback to students for the past 6 months. Today, I started in Canvas and gave video feedback. Then I switched to Flipgrid and did the same thing. Both successful. Then I went back to Canvas...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, A student claims to have relied on a quiz to auto-submit. The quiz did not auto-submit.  The quiz is now closed and the answers have been revealed. I cannot access this student's activity log to verify when and if they attempted this quiz.  I ...

  • 1 Replies

Why aren't overdue assignments showing up in the Assignments menu when using Canvas on a Chromebook or laptop?  Overdue assignment DO show up in the phone app.   Students using Chromebooks need this feature. Do I have a setting wrong or something els...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Just wondering if anyone else has run into the latest issue with equation rendering from question banks?  Since last Saturday's update, we are seeing intermittent rendering issues where the Latex code is displayed underneath a math equation.  It also...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Why isn't RCE available in certain fields while creating New Quizzes? I want to be able to use special characters/symbols/math notation/superscripts/subscripts in drop down answer choices, but it is not showing up as an option. Thanks for any and all...

  • 1 Replies

As an Admin, is there a way to view the roles a staff member has assigned to them and what courses those roles appear in? Thanks

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello. An instructor would like to make a table on a page transparent and add an image behind (underneath) the table. Any suggestions for how they might do this? Thank you!  

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Canvas Question Forum
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Como comparto mi curso con mis estudiantes?

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone. I'd like to know if our students can see when we add points using this tool called "Fudge Points".Thank you 

  • 3 Replies

Does entering a student as attending in Roll Call attendance, remove the "Pending" from the person's name in people?

  • 3 Replies

We are beginning our Blackboard to Canvas transition soon and one question that has come up is how long we should keep Blackboard after the transition is complete. I can see needing access to a Blackboard environment for the purpose of pulling course...

  • 1 Replies

I used to receive push notifications when someone posted on a Discussion that I follow. This was very useful to me: students post their questions under a week-specific or assignment-specific Discussion, and push notifications allowed me to answer pro...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Can somebody urgently help me? I can't seem to publish my any of my folders. The contents in the folders are published, but the actual folders aren't. I just scroll over them and it states "disabled not visible to students.". How do I enable? 

  • 1 Replies

Hello. Im trying to help a teacher that has uploaded documents under assignments tab before and is unable to now. she tried opening a new course and the document uploads fine.  She is unable to upload any documents, jpegs . when trying to upload it d...

  • 3 Replies

We had a cohort take a course in the fall and write a final exam.  The exam has a front piece that has multiple choice and true and false.  And a second piece that has long answers that need to be marked by the instructor.  One of the students needed...

  • 2 Replies

Question from a newbie.   I imported a Regular Term class into some Second Start classes, and then adjusted all the dates and some minor things-- and all of that is fine.  I had previously added the virtual class times into the RT calendar, and a few...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm an orchestra director, and I'm trying to create an assignment that contains a downloadable "click-track" audio file for students to download onto either their own computers or devices. They will listen to this while recording their part into a Ca...

  • 3 Replies

When a student resubmits an assignment in speed grader whenever I go to enter the grade in it enters the grade in backwards!  I've heard this happens to other folks as well. I then have to click the grade box, and manually overwrite the backwards gra...

  • 1 Replies

When i use a mp3 file on a page, the size object that is shown is too big.  only want the bottom part with the play button. is there a way to achieve this?    

  • 1 Replies

We would like to link a barometer where students can indicate how motivated they feel (give score from 1 to 10 for example). Is there such a plug-in with LTI linkage?

  • 1 Replies

I enrolled in 4 units but can't register in few classes. I tried 'Clash Free Class' but the problem wasn't solved. What should I do now?

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Good day I have 2 classes clashing tomorrow morning, 23/02/2021, how do I have this rectified?

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Canvas Question Forum
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am writing quizzes with various kinds of questions (multiple choice, numerical answer, file upload, etc.) and would like to grade the file upload questions using a rubric.    Is there a method for associating a rubric to an individual question in a q...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I serve in my church's school as an instructor. I'm trying to make a Spiritual Gifts Test for my church which would display results based on what people answer. There would be some charts, personalized texts based on answers, just like a personal...

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible to reopen an assignment for an entire class that doesn't involve going through the moderate process for every single student? 

  • 1 Replies

I accidently changed a homepage.  their anyway to restore it?

  • 1 Replies

It looks like using the $$  x^2 $$ and \( x^2 \) will render nicely in some fields, but not in others.For example, one of the most useful places to have this is when commenting ON a document. But the Point Annotations don't seem to render this as mat...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere, but in trying out the new "Pretty HTML" feature, I have been unable to paste text using keyboard shortcuts.  So, my questions are as follows:  Is there a keyboard shortcut for pasting text into the pretty H...

  • 35 Replies

Hi team! The instructor wants to let some students who had the 2nd attempt see their last responses instead of the first attempt and also for most of the students who had only one attempt to see their responses to the Quiz. I would like to know if we...

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Canvas Question Forum
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