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I’m a student and the canvas app is very vital for day to day use on my main academic tool, the iPad. I have to express frustration with the latest update as if the trend of attractiveness being prioritized over ACTUAL FUNCTION continues, but now the...

  • 5 Replies

Canvas does not allow PowerPoint Macro Show .ppsm file types to be uploaded and used as animated GIF's with clickable pictures revealing text instructions.  What other file types allows for animated pictures with clickable actions?

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I'm a developer trying to make an LTI 1.3 application.  I just got a free account by linking through my gmail account.  I think I have set my app up through the IMS global site, and I was looking to test against Canv...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I've created a rubric with several criteria. One of the criteria has five ratings. I would like to change this to three without recreating the criteria. Is there a way to delete individual ratings from a specific criteria? 

  • 2 Replies

I used the New Quizzes today and I mostly liked it. However, when I used the Matching type question I put multiple "Questions and Answers" into one question, so #11 in the quiz had 10 vocab terms and definitions to match and I ran into a problem. I a...

  • 3 Replies

I had a quick reality check question about the "Test Cluster Only" checkbox option in the edit view of a Developer Key. I have not used this option before in practice, and wanted to make sure I understand its correct use. I want to benefit from setti...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I would like to use the Groups feature to divide my class into two groups. I would then like to assign the first group to do individual presentations on a particular date. The second group would present individual presentations on a separate date. I ...

  • 3 Replies

I have created weekly "Calendar Pages" for my students.  I would like to embed into each of these pages, onto the top, one single menu bar so that students can quickly click on any date in the menu bar and go to the desired page.  Is there a way to d...

  • 9 Replies

In my course I have a graded assignment and graded discussion. Some of my students have submitted the assignment and participated in the discussion on time. Yet the gradebook shows the assignments as missing. I can see the submission in SpeeGrader or...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am a new teacher at a middle school and the first two weeks of class I have been lenient with LATE assignments and giving full credit. However, I have informed my students starting next week they will get 25% off their assignment if it's late. My i...

  • 3 Replies

It appears that when an attached file is removed from a Discussion, that file is also deleted from the site's "Files" page. This is problematic behavior and confusing for users. Current behavior: When a file is attached to a discussion by faculty, it...

  • 2 Replies

I finished my multiple choice and short answer exam. When I click on Preview, I get an error message that says "Something went wrong. Please try again." I have done the following and still get the error message: logged out of Canvas and then logged b...

  • 4 Replies

I know the request for enabling for Discussion Board posts has been a topic addressed in these forums for years, but after some forum searching and reading inefficient and ineffective "workarounds" (ex: having students post their initial...

  • 3 Replies

1) How do I use blueprint if I don't want any content to locked, I just want changes to the blueprint course to change the sync'd course? 2) Can I use blueprint if I only want parts of the blueprint course in my sync'd course? I'm trying to make a co...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am attempting to set prerequisites, so students must pass the readiness quiz to open the modules. When I go the add prep button on the Module, the drop down box only shows the prior module, not the module elements (like the quiz).    This is a roll...

  • 1 Replies

I have what i would call an error in the formula questions, but I think I know what's going on. I created a formula question converting binary to decimal. Question: Convert [a][b][c][d][e] from binary to decimal. Solution: e+d*2+c*4+b*8+a*16 Even tho...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My students are being asked to complete peer reviews on the Kami assignments of other students. This should not even be possible, and I am not requesting automated or manual peer reviews to be assigned. I do not want my students to complete peer revi...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I don't have a comprehensive hard copy of a Test Bank file. Is there someway to download a bank and converted a readable hard copy 

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Canvas Question Forum
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I regularly use Nearpod in my live-led classes as an Instructor. I use the external tools submission to ensure the student reports are generated and show up in speedgrader. When first clicking on the assignment, students are asked to sign in, but the...

  • 1 Replies

I enrolled with Canvas as a teacher. I have set up a new course that has multiple teachers. I am the designer, but there is no designer option. However, I can change the role of everyone else in the course to teacher, observer, student, or designer. ...

  • 1 Replies

How do I change my grading system for quizzes? I give my students 5 attempts for each of their quizzes (5 multiple choice and 8 options for each question). A student of mine brought to my attention that they would learn better if they were able to se...

  • 2 Replies

I previously had SMS notifications set up and noticed that I stopped receiving notifications. After that, I deleted my SMS contact and tried to add it back, but I am not receiving a confirmation code. My phone is on Verizon.

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Canvas Question Forum
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This is for an upload question inside a Canvas quiz Please don't respond with the generic " how to submit/view annotation feedback from an assignment". That is a different topic, and no-issues there. Here, I am specifically asking about a question in...

  • 2 Replies

I would like to embed a file so that when students view the assignment description, they view the file, rather than having just the file in the description for students to download. Is this possible? 

  • 1 Replies

I recently gave a quiz that had several fill in the blank questions. I specifically chose fill in the blank so students would need to answer concisely. However, the students found they could exceed that character limit. Not only does this not encoura...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Our users don't see the Profile option when they click on their Account menu option. The guide says it should be there unless disabled by admins. I am an admin on our Canvas. How do I enable that so people can add a bio and change photos, etc. Thanks...

  • 1 Replies

I have split my class into small groups. I want to provide feedback on assignments that are done outside of Canvas. So far I have been doing that by going to the group page (via People), then making an Announcement to the group. How do students see t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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