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Hello, I am looking for a software or APP that is natively integrated into Canvas that will do a speech to text option like Dragon.

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I have my gradebook in Canvas aligned with how I’ve organized assignments. But when I (or students) go into their snapshot of grades it rearranges them differently. Is there a way to have it organized the way I have organized my gradebook? (Note: I d...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am a grad student creating a module for my final class I have created a course using Rise 360 and I would like to use this platform again, however, I need to be able to use the creation on Rise 360 on CANVAS as that is my institutions LMS. I have r...

  • 2 Replies

As a teacher, is it possible to post video lectures for a course, but not allow the students to download the video? I'm happy if they can view it on canvas, but wouldn't want them to be downloaded and potentially posted elsewhere. I see nothing about...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I've started using New Quizzes.  They are ungraded practice quizzes.  From the Assignments page, I click "Edit" on the new quiz, and then "More options".  The box that says "Do not count this assignment towards the final grade" is checked, the assign...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi everyone, hope everyone is well! I am working with a faculty member to design an internship course and we are looking for a way for the students to track their internship hours. Does anyone know of a way that this is can be self-contained within C...

  • 1 Replies

Why is there a class taking place during the current term in future enrollments? It's the same term as all my other classes and it's currently taking place, there doesn't seem to be any reason why it would be in future enrollments.

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Why does the YouTube LTI from the Edu App Center ( generate 'privacy-enhanced mode' embed URLs only? There is no option to generate embed code without the nocookie URL. This cause...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Before winter break I could see my sons classes and grades and assignments. but now it blank

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Hey all! I'd like to put out some suggestions. Our campus uses Canvas and plans to continue using Canvas in the future.  I'd love to see some more math integration into quizzes. Right now utilizing trig functions for matching or formula questions is ...

  • 1 Replies

I am an ESL teacher. I am currently teaching remotely. Is there a way to turn off the translation feature for assignments and quizzes?

  • 1 Replies

What are my options to add time to a quiz if the students ran out of time on a timed quiz? Am I able to allow an additional 15 minutes for the student to pick up on the quiz were they left off?

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I have searched for help on this issue in the guides and on the web. I integrated EdPuzzle into Canvas as directed. It seems fine in the instructor view on both Canvas and EdPuzzle. In student view, it does not connect to the video in EdPuzzle and sa...

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Hello, We're just getting started with Program Assessment and have set up assessments for each course in our general ed curriculum we want to assess. Within each assessment we have collections for each learning outcome addressed in that course. I'm r...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi there my lecturer has uploaded a document with a lot of pages on canvas/Modules i need too write on this document but have no clue how to transfer it onto word so i can do this any help?

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Sometimes, I accidentally put a grade - using a rubric - for the wrong student.  Is there a way to "undo" the grade, clearing out the rubric so no grade is recorded?  I can change the grade to a zero, but that makes it look like the student received ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How to Get to the tickets that I mark that I am following in the admin console?

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How can instructor view past student assignments when the are no longer in my to do list?

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Is it possible to sync comments written in Canvas with the gradebook in Powerschool? I've read from earlier this year that manually entered comments in Powerschool are deleted when grades sync again. Does anyone know if this has been corrected? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Our organization creates a Master for courses that have hundreds of hours of content (think 4-8 hours per day, 4-12 weeks). At that cohort level the day/time and order in which these activities are completed can change. We've tried organizing by day ...

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I have copied course content from a previous course and like to add the image for the course card which already exists in the new Canvas course files. How can I do this easily rather than having to download the in Canvas existing image to then upload...

  • 2 Replies

In the global setting field, i have removed choice in the checkbox. Howerer in the courses setting filed , the checkbox  is forbidden ,the  teacher can't modify the state, even the admin accout can't . I really can not understand it , thank for eve...

  • 3 Replies

Hi Expert,  I faced two questions. In fact, I submitted my ticket weeks ago but did not receive any reply from the support team. (1) Once the students submitted their assignments, the grade is published automatically. The students are wondering and I...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Some of my photos on some of my announcements show up in student view as LOCK. Why did this happen all of a sudden and how to I change them back to being visible? 

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Hello there,   I want to know about a permission on Portfolium when you download someone's profile there is an error that first you need to connect to the user before downloading his profile why can't I download directly ? although his profile is alr...

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I'm trying to create an Acknowledgement course that once done will unlock other courses, How can you unlock or provide access to another course once a student acknowledges their training plan?  Thank you!

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I use a lot of pre-formatted code sections in my assignments and pages.  I know for my most recent assignment the view of the pre section was good.  On the student view the pre-formatted section was all on 1 line.  The student view also lost the css ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Good morning !  I recently started developing an LTI Tool that handles Virtual meetings, a bit like Zoom. Basically, I use the LTI tool to pull Names and Roles from canvas, and have a link to attend meetings that are bound to the context of a Course....

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Canvas Question Forum
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Our school requires my writing students to post writing samples I will grade via Discussion Board. I would like to use Speed-grader and make annotations directly to their Discussion Board posts. How can I do that?  

  • 2 Replies

Hello everyone,  While we are currently using the Canvas Data Portal to create reports on usage of the LMS, we're also investigating third party tools such as "Instructor Insights" and "EesySoft". Both of these systems can integrate within Canvas as ...

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