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Hi all Has anyone added a new essay question to a quiz without impacting the teacher's marking queues and students who have already completed the quiz? I would like to add an additional question and ensure no impact on the teacher's queues and studen...

  • 2 Replies

As a domain admin, I need to change a user's role from student to teacher so that the user can create a course. I've read through the guides and am seeing lots of information about changing the role once a user is enrolled, but I need the user to hav...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Has anyone successfully integrated WeVideo into Canvas? We've been following their instructions: And we cannot seem to get it to work. We can create t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am trying to set up possible dates for students to take their makeup exams.  Can students see the questions to the previous exams if they did not take the exam?  For example, If they were scheduled to take an exam during class time, but missed the ...

  • 1 Replies

I am a student and my institution uses Bluejeans integrated with Canvas. Every time there is a Bluejeans meeting, I receive a canvas notification in my inbox (and email) from the class with the information about the email. This leads my inbox to get ...

  • 1 Replies

I am looking for a way to efficiently see the dates and times of late submissions. Ideally, downloading this info as a CSV would be the best option, however using gradebook export does not include date and time info for each submission. Is there a se...

  • 1 Replies

This is the third time in two months that a part of a quiz that existed when I tried it in "Preview Mode" suddenly disappeared once students tried to take it.  It has been three different quizzes in two different classes. On the most recent one, the ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello My Name is Edward Rutledge, I'm having a problem logging in can someone admin reset my password. Thank you

  • 3 Replies

Hello everyone, I am a college student learning remotely right now, and my instructor uses canvas quizzes where I am required to submit a file upload for the quiz.  Today, after not having my morning coffee and being in a bit of a funk, I believe I h...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I was working as Systems Administrator for a long time and I would like to share my experience with students interested in IT. It is very critical nowadays when a lot of people lost their jobs and there is a chance to survive by changing career. ...

  • 4 Replies

If I turn on Mastery Paths at the admin level, will that mess with grade passback for everyone?    Does grade passback only not work when it is turned on at the course level?

  • 1 Replies

Hello I am a teacher who uses Canvas on a daily basis. Over the past two weeks I have had issues with my imported assignments. Whether the assignments and modules are duplicated or made from scratch, when I import them into my own course from my fell...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi everyone, Shortly after our grades close, our principals pull some reports that are set up to pull live data from PowerSchool. If teachers enter grades for the following grading period before they pull their reports, it skews the data (a student w...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'd like to have different sections in a quiz.  The first section would be multiple choice with attached stimulus, the second a CRQ set.  I'd like the multiple choice to be in a random order, and that works except the CRQ's have to be order.  So can ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, Does the above check-box option need a slight tweak / extension? As it stands, it's a bit misleading. If unchecked, a student's own incorrect answers are still flagged after taking the quiz. Therefore, they can easily deduce which of their own an...

  • 8 Replies

Just a note to suggest that the Preview functionality ought to be extended to be more accurate. Despite unchecking "Let students see their answers", when you preview a Classic Quiz, it appears as if someone who has taken the quiz can still see their ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi! Is there a way to programmatically move to the next segment after finishing an exercise in the external tool (triggered after doing a grade pass back on the current exercise)? Or like create a button that functions like the Next Button below. 

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Does anyone know whether it is possible to insert an image (for example a banner image) above the heading on discussion pages to alert learners to the fact it's a discussion in a more visual way?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone know whether Canvas allows us to insert the Canvas navigation icons into Canvas content to assist Learners, and where we can get the image files? Thank you.

  • 8 Replies

A change was made to a published classic quiz which students had already submitted to and been marked. The quizzes that had already been marked are now showing up on the teachers' dashboard to do list to be marked in speedgrader again. Is there any w...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all There are some comments around this from a couple of years ago and some that have been posted with no responses. I know we can access speedgrader comments an a per student basis via download; however, a teacher has asked to download all studen...

  • 1 Replies

Every time I have created groups, I have never understood the option "Require group members to be in the same section".  Are we talking about group jumping?  But that doesn't make sense if you aren't allowing self sign-ups.  Isn't the entire basis of...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to give a timed quiz with a file upload question that permits late uploads?  Many students taking a 30 minute quiz seem to be having difficulty trying to upload a file at the last minute (or second), and it they are on a slow connectio...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Anyone else having trouble uploading images into a classic quiz?  It was working yesterday, but now all I get is a rotating circle like it is trying to insert it, but it never happens. I need to insert statistical graphs that go with my quiz question...

  • 1 Replies

I accidentally deleted an assignment folder that appeared to have nothing in it, but after I clicked confirm, I realized it had many assignments. I went to /undelete and restored the folder, but the assignments are not back. Can I restore my course t...

  • 2 Replies

I assigned a pre-made assignment to my students.  The creator did not give the multiple choice problems point values and I didn't catch it until students submitted.  The students have now been given a score of 0 in their gradebook because the questio...

  • 1 Replies

I just learned how to make a badge in Canva and use Badgr to assign a badge after a module is complete. Where will the students see their badge on their Canvas page?  How do I show badges I've earned? I have only one, and when I looked in the Canvas ...

  • 3 Replies

Is there any way to add a comments section at the bottom of a rubric? I don't want to use the free-form comments, because I want students to see that...but I'd like to add my own general comments.

  • 15 Replies

I'm having an issue where a previously working preview link is no longer working or shows the down arrow the first time, doesn't open the preview, and subsequent clicks only produces a download or other format option.

  • 7 Replies

Hi - I recently filled out the form to get the full district platform and nobody replied to me. I am asking here to see if anyone is going to see it. Thanks! 

  • 2 Replies