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I believe this is where am supposed to come and communicate with class 182 #1047. Is anyone here from that class number?  

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I have multiple Canvas classes, all of which I linked to a MyMathLab class.   In Grade Sync, when I select all assignments and select "Sync Now", all of the classes and assigments snyc fine except for one class, which give grade sync errors on numero...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Good day, Is the collaboration tab under a specific course navigation be private depending on the creator? I was planning to create a M365 word collab with my group, I was wondering if in case I created one (collab group) in the course, will everyone...

  • 2 Replies

My canvas is acting up like the picture above. Im using firefox. it is currently up to date. How do i fix it?

  • 1 Replies

Grading New Quizzes ESSAY Questions.. Why did New Quizzes have to make grading essay questions so difficult?  I need to know when an essay question has been submitted or resubmitted for me to grade rather than looking through 160+ assignments daily t...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I am an instructor. I am trying to figure out how to upload an audio file that students will be able to download onto their phones. When I try to upload audio (I have used the Panopto recording option and also tried uploading a Quicktime audio...

  • 1 Replies

It appears that my students may be seeing their assignments scores in their Gradebook Total before I have released those scores. Below is what I am seeing in "Student View": Notice that the assignment due 01/09 displays the "hidden" icon. However, a...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Although I have due dates assigned to the assignments in both of my courses, the assignments for the second 8 weeks' class are not visible in the Calendar view.  Please advise.

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Is it possible to set a quiz so that a student who reaches a particular point threshold (like 80%) gets full credit (100%) on the quiz? 

  • 1 Replies

Hello.  We recently turned personal pronouns at Indiana University.  The Canvas Guides for this feature indicated that pronouns display in "Comments Fields".   We also have student assignments enhancements forced on, and pronouns are not appearing ne...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am in instructor.  My total canvas grade column does not match the quarter 1 and quarter 2 average. All assignments are worth 100 points and are displayed as percentages. The category weights are set to 33.3 percent each and every assignment is in ...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Total significant figures  Used this calculator for all students  Total number of decimal      E-Notation   Scientific Notation    

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A big Hi to all the Instructors of Canvas Community, Here I want to ask a help about Integrating Jupyterhub with Canvas. I want to Integrate Jupyterhub with Canvas to create assignments for my students.  I have been trying it soo long but I Couldn't....

  • 1 Replies

Hello there! Can somebody help me please? I was able to successfully import a Canvas test bank QTI file (1.2) provided by the book publisher. But the imported file does appear either in the Assignments (I tried New Quizzes) nor in the list of test ba...

  • 2 Replies

I was a stay at home dad to my ex fiance's two boys. I was the one who helped with all their work, therefore I created an observer account to monitor both boys. Their mother left me a few days ago. Id like to delete my observer account. How do I do t...

  • 1 Replies

After winter break and the new start of a trimester, I want previous assignments and grades to be hidden. I want students to feel like they have a brand new start. I understand there is a "Hide" option within Speedgrader, however that only makes it s...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does canvas allow instructors to copy an existing rubric from one course to another course?  If so, what are the steps used to copy a rubric from one course to another. Thank you!

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I have been using OneNote Class Notebook linked to my Canvas LSM for a few semesters. The link was always made through the Connections section like seen below. Now when I log into any of my Class notebooks that area is missing. I have tried updatin...

  • 1 Replies

As of this semester, names of students sending and replying to email, as well as my drop-down options for sending, show only the student's nicknames. These don't show up in People or Gradebook. I now literally have to compare tiny pictures to find ou...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to prevent students from searching other tabs while take a quiz in quizzes 2? 

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I like the ability to automatically tag and remove points for late submissions, but I want to set different conditions for two different sections of students.  I would like to remove 10% off of student work per day, but only for the regular education...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello! When you export a common cartridge file from Canvas, do you know if that export is 1.1 or 1.2 imscc (or something else)

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I'm working on a course and the instructors want a file to auto-download when the link is clicked. (Yes, we've already debated whether or not auto-download is desirable   This used to work, but something changed in the new Rich Text Editor. I *think...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello all, When we link to OneDrive files through the external tools the result is: This page isn’t working If the problem continues, contact the site owner. HTTP ERROR 401 === Other links are working including a shared link to the same assets. H...

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Canvas Question Forum
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This post is not a question. It is about the problems I have experienced and the solutions I have found. I don’t know where else is the best place to post (if anyone knows a better place to post, please let me know), but I think this may be helpful t...

  • 1 Replies

Our district is new to Canvas this year and I am looking for a school district that could possibly answer some questions for me. How you are communicating with parents in Canvas at the elementary level? We are using other tools like SeeSaw and Remind...

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Looking for a school district that has incorporated Slack. Want to get ideas of how you are using it. 

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Canvas Question Forum
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 As an Admin. you can create blueprint courses within those course you can create a sub- account/associated course. When you sync the sub-account course to the blueprint course does the follow sync with it. 1. The blueprints calendar of events, discu...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to run a utilization report for a group of teachers? I have a principal that wants to see how well his teachers are utilizing Canvas in their classrooms.

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Canvas Question Forum
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Help! I created a new module with 1 discussion lesson in it. I checked that it's a graded lesson and put the number of points. As soon as I finished it, saved it, then when I go to the VIEW PROGRESS tab in Modules, and scroll down through my students...

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