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How do I make the scores for an exam (created with Respondus) visible to my students, while assuring that they don't have access to the questions and answers. I'm happy to talk to them individually about their answers, but I don't want to set up a si...

  • 1 Replies

Dear Canvas Community,Is there a way to disable students emailing one another, but still able to email the instructor, in a Canvas Course Shell?Please advise,John SpencerMission CollegeSanta Clara, CA.

  • 1 Replies

I have created a quiz.  When going to the Speedgrader to access student's grades, this is the message I get:  

  • 1 Replies

When creating a Quiz I am linking to several Question Banks that I have created.  One of the Question Banks does not show up "linked" in the Quiz and is there for "not counted" - so my point total is 90/100 instead of 100/100.  Why would a Question B...

  • 1 Replies

Hello everyone, I had a midterm associated with a particular rubric, with the midterm graded using this rubric. Then, I clicked "Show Rubric" in the midterm page, and accidentally clicked on another rubric, which seems to have associated that rubric ...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to pull all assignments via Jitterbit tool using API call. What is want is to pull all users first then see the courses a user is involved in, then fetch all the assignments submitted by that user for each individual course.  The url to c...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When you add a Google Doc as an external tool in a module--not part of an assignment, but just a link in the module.  Does that make a copy for each student?  Or is that just a view only copy?Thank you in advance for your help.

  • 1 Replies

Hi, Is there a way to increase toolbar options.  I am trying to make my assignments appear more eye catching such as changing fonts and background color, yet my toolbar is limited. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Canvas Question Forum
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I would like to request for the status functionality (none, late, missing, excused) in the Canvas Teacher app?

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way for teachers to run a missing assignments report for an entire course?

  • 2 Replies

I can't seem to find any information on pulling reports from Canvas inbox conversations? Is there a way we can generate conversation reports for individual users? 

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

Hi, I have been using roll call attendance with all of my courses in canvas. We are starting a new term and I would like to continue to use roll call BUT I want it to reset so that attendance in the previous quarter does not affect this quarter's gra...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Do you have any idea if we are able to disable the “reply” option on annotated comments in Canvas? For example, let’s say a faculty makes any sort of annotated comment on a student’s paper in the speed grader. There is a “reply” button on each of tho...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there any way to track if announcements are being read on Canvas? If so, how can this be tracked? Can a counter be added? Can I see who is viewing it (and how many times)? Thank you!

  • 3 Replies

I found a post from 2015 where Pixton Comic maker was listed as an EduApp that could be added but I can no longer find it in the list of suggested apps. Does anyone know if Pixton is still supported for Canvas integration? Thanks!

  • 2 Replies

My highschool is set up on a semester grading system (q1 and q2 grades average for a final grade at sememtser). How can I get Canvas to continue a student's grade at q2 instead of "starting over." I need q1 and q2 gradebook to average.  I want to avo...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am participating in Edgenuity's new teacher training & am unable to access Modules 8 & 9. 

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Is there any hope that Learning Mastery Gradebook would be able to share that information with Power Teacher Pro? If you are using Standards-based grading, Canvas, and Power School, how are you making them all work together? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have many roles in Canvas based off of the teacher role.  Whenever a student goes to the Help menu and selects "Ask Your Teacher a Question", the question gets sent to everyone in the course that has a role based on the teacher role.  It would be ...

  • 1 Replies

What is the best way to assign a lesson created in a Google app like Slides so that each student gets their own copy and the easiest for students to submit as well?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I needed two different calendars for the two sections of my course. Since I understand that course sections are not able to have different calendars, I have created a (student) group for each course section and used the calendar associated to ...

  • 1 Replies

I have an assignment with a text response only.  I would like to open up the option to submit a media response for certain students. Is this possible within the same assignment, or do I need to create a separate assignment for those students that I w...

  • 1 Replies

I can enter my account from my phone (only from the invitation sent by my teacher) but not from the computer. How can I solve this? 

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to allow an instructor to limit access to a Page within a module, in the same way we can limit access to a file. In particular to only allow the page to be viewed after a certain date. In can manually publish a page on a given date, bu...

  • 4 Replies

Hola, necesito ayuda, quisiera sable como puedo añadir una respuesta en notación científica, en la sección de bancos de preguntas, el tipo de respuesta fórmula de, no puedo incluir de la notación científica dentro de la fórmula.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all! How can students see where they left off in the course? When a student has not worked on the course for a number of days and he logs in again, it would be very easy for him to immediately see what he worked on last time without having to go t...

  • 1 Replies

Hi all! How can I see on overview of all the pages, discussions, ... where students have participated on? I know that you see that on my dashboard if a page, a discussion it turned into an assigment. But apart from making an assignment out of it, how...

  • 1 Replies

I had an idea for Canvas that if you're trying to find something specific within a module or a teacher('s) page, there should be a keyword search. so you would have the ability to find what you're looking for quicker. the search bar would search not ...

  • 5 Replies

I’m logging in my account and its not working for some reason.

  • 2 Replies

My god, Speedgrader is awful to use. When will it be upgraded/fixed/replaced? The drawing tools are painful to use--the check and trashcan are too close to the item being drawn, and somewhat randomly the view seems to jump to a different part of the ...

  • 8 Replies