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HiIs it possible to add a 2nd notes column in the gradebook?  I can't find any support on doing so does that mean it can't be done? Hoping someone can help:)

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I just want to embed a Google Sheet into the Rich Content Box that all my students can edit and each time it forces them to make a copy of it.  I don't want to have to go through 60 spreadsheets that are just being used for students to log the number...

  • 1 Replies

I am enrolled in 5 classes in canvas, but when I head on over to "Calendar", there's nothing marked, When I went to "Calendar" last year, stuff like due dates for assignments and quizzes did show up. Now if I click on a specific class on "Courses" an...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone have any insight as to why timed quizzes are sometimes auto-submitting and/or freezing before student's time has fully elapsed?  This is an ongoing issue and I have hundreds of students taking weekly quizzes so it's a bit of a nightmare.

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies This module will not finish no matter what I do. what else can we do to finish it?

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I would like to be able to have the functionality of providing (say) seven questions, each with the same number of points, on a Canvas quiz -- but requiring the student to answer only five of them. Is this functionality possible? It seems to be like ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone know if there is an easy way to check if the  "Sync to SIS" is active on assignments, WITHOUT needing to open each assignment?  Currently the only way I know to do this is to open each individual assignment, click the edit to bring up the...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I was looking at BBB (BigBlueButton) to integrate 'live' lectures in Canvas, and the price is extortionate.  (about £20,000 per year).  It seems such a high price to pay just to stream a video within canvas. Surely there are free or very cheap option...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Can I set a hyperlink button to the primary / disbled state, when it refers to an assigment in a masterypaths? depending on the availablitity of the assignment??   In my course I vane create many quizzes and assignments that are managed by masterypat...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I see a lot of focus on institutions but I can't find a pricing page that would allow an individual teacher or trainer to sign up. Is it possible to migrate from the Free for Teacher account to a paid account as an individual?

  • 3 Replies

Am I able to use the appointment scheduler option if I am using the free for teachers version? I would like to have my students book appointments with me. 

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hello every one , some one please help me to fall in my next step from , I am fining it hard.

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A classic quiz with no set time limit, open for 36 hours closed on a student before end time. An email from a student to a teacherI was doing the exam yesterday and because we were supposed to have time until 23:59 today, I did not answer the questio...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

I and my peers are regularly having our nightly syncs fail. It says: Grade exchange job failed. Status in SIS: 5 - EXCHANGE_ERROR_NON_RETRYABLE  HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden response: 403 Forbidden (Rate Limit Exceeded) It's not every single night per se, ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm trying to search through previous messages that I sent to students or that they sent to me (much like you would with any email account). Is there a way to do this? It's maddening trying to scroll through all the previous messages to try to find s...

  • 2 Replies

What is the best thing to do if I am trying to clear out my grade book because we are starting a new nine weeks (kind of like a new semester) I don't want to delete the content, I just want to clear it out so the kids only see the content for the sta...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am trying to copy a quiz I made from a sandbox to my course and when I copy it, it changes the content to the content from a different quiz that I already had in my course.  Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

  • 1 Replies

While I like certain aspects of the new quiz tool, such as being able to edit a question all at once (the question and the answers and the comments) without having to click on each one separately, and being able to add outcomes to each question. I am...

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I tried to regrade a multiple choice question in new quizzes following the instructions here: I wanted to leave the original correct ...

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Hey, everyone! We just did the iOS update on the iPad to 14.0.1 and after that, all of the .PNG images in the Canvas iPad Student App no longer load. Has anyone else seen this issue? They load fine in Safari, Chrome, etc... it's only in the Canvas Ap...

  • 4 Replies

Hello! We are struggling to find the best way to monitor student attendance for remote learning.   If they miss the Zoom instruction, a student an be marked "present" if they are on canvas and attempting an assignment during the day .  Is there a way...

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I am traveling to Inia and I want to make sure if I will be able to access the lockdown browser there to give some of my exams.

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Que debo hacer? Soy instructor, Teacher

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This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this actionI have students getting this error message when they try to open a paper to peer grade.

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Hi, I am an instructor.  In my course, there are a couple Canvas quizzes where students have reported that Canvas changes the numeric answer they submit.  This issue only occurs for decimal answers.   Example:  A student enters 4.92.  It automaticall...

  • 3 Replies

How can I set my exam requiring students to answer say 2 out of the randomly selected 3 essay questions? This way the selected 2 questions will receive 25 points each and the third question will receive no credit.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Why are my Canvas buttons on the left main page (not in a course) containing: account, dashboard, courses, calendar, inbox, commons grey and sometimes they are yellow?

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How can you transfer test banks between the new and the old quizzes? Or the other way around? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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How can you print a test from the "NEW QUIZZES" for student with IEP? There doesn't seem to be a way to get a hard copy for a student using new quizzes. Tried with the directions for the original form of quiz and that does not work with the new quizz...

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