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Is there a way to grant extended deadline permissions to specific students for the entirety of the course? I am referring to students who have an IEP/504 plan that allows them additional days to submit an assignment without a late penalty. I know how...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! We use Canvas and have it set up to automatically sync (every night) with our PowerSchool program (online gradebook).  When Canvas marks an assignment LATE (due to it being turned in after the due date), the late indicator (red) transfers to m...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, With the pandemic we have been forced into online distance education whether we're ready or not. I have been looking to expand out the methodology that I've been using for writing exams that have a degree of variability as an anti-cheating mea...

  • 1 Replies

How do I place these figures next to the page name? follow the example below:

  • 5 Replies

I know how to assign certain assignments to particular students, and I know how to assign different due dates to different sections/students. What I can't figure out is how to assign a differentiated assignment for my students receiving SPED reading ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have a student that deleted assignments off their "To Do" list that have not been completed.  How can they access those assignments now?

  • 1 Replies

Our instructors often use a sandbox course shell to design courses for upcoming semesters. For some instructors, this has caused an annoying side effect after they have copied the content into the actual course. The Coming Up sidebar is showing assig...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My assignments are syncing to Powerschool, but the grades aren't.  I can see all the assignments in Powerteacher Pro, but no grades.  It has been working fine up until about a week ago.

  • 6 Replies

So what do some of the symbols mean whenever someone completes an assignment for example what does the symbol that looks like 3 links of a chain mean?

  • 1 Replies

Crear código de acceso a estudiantes?o código para estudiante?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, Is it possible to set minimum score in a quiz or an assignment? If yes. How does it work? Best regards,Kristbjörg  

  • 1 Replies

Hi Everybody,Do you know if exist, somewhere, a solution to see users who never connect to Canvas?I searched report in parameter menu without success.Thanks

  • 1 Replies

I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me. When editing an assignment or a quiz and then going down to the SEPA section and selecting students that might be under the category "Add'l time for tasks/twice/more than twice the allotted t...

  • 3 Replies

I am amazed that the current late policy by Canvas is a complete fault. If I misunderstand the situation, please correct me. I want to have a small deduction of 5% per day, but after 10 days, a student will still get something if he submits his assig...

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Canvas Question Forum
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This has been a problem now for several weeks and it's gotten frustrating enough that I'm finally posting. The situation is this: I create a quiz.I set up multiple due dates to handle a few students' situations, and then set the due date and time for...

  • 1 Replies

Would be useful to have a checklist to toggle on/off assignment groups displayed in gradebook. Right now seems to be all, or just one at a time. For example, display "projects" and "in-class activities" but not "archived". Thanks!

  • 2 Replies

Colleagues, I use R and Python to make many versions of similar questions, especially for STEM-oriented courses.  Essentially, in a quiz, each question is a question group that pulls from a specific testbank carefully crafted with hundreds of version...

  • 5 Replies

I'm working on getting our Zoom integration into our Canvas instance (Yes, I'm the admin in Zoom and Canvas). I've followed as a main guide to the integration. I've figured out a few mist...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Any ideas on why one section would randomly not sync to power school when it is syncing for all other classes?  It says sync is successful each time and it hasn't been a problem up until now.

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Hi -Can anyone recommend consultants/teams that can support Canvas Data questions? We pull from Canvas Data and are unable to pull some data for students in the system. I suspect that his is a short consulting gig.Thanks,Nate 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Students are uploading images for assignment submissions. While the images can be downloaded, the inline preview does not work.If applicable, the following error appears after clicking the link to show the image inline: 

  • 2 Replies

I'm trying to display this page in an iframe (<p><iframe style="overflow: hidden;" src="" width="100%" height="3600"></if...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, I have a teacher using New Quizzes to create a multiple choice quiz where the number of points given for each question varies by the question response, as described here:

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Canvas Question Forum
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A teacher has come to me for help with an issue and I'm stumped. One and only one of her students is unable to access an assignment in Canvas - it is grayed out for her. All of the other students are able to access the assignment and I double checked...

  • 1 Replies

I have a colleague enrolled as observer to my course on Canvas, but he's not able to see the Media Gallery link (which the students have no problem accessing it). Is there an option to enable the Media Gallery depending on the role? Or observers simp...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We are looking for a way our teachers can see which students are online so they can take attendance in an online course similar to how they would in a face-to-face classroom.  They would like to base the attendance on the student being logged into Ca...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to use an external writing tablet to input math work into the rich content editor?

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I had to submit an updated version of a paper. But when I submitted the new paper the old paper with commentss from my instructor  disappeared. Is it possible to find the old version of the paper with the feedback somewhere? 

  • 2 Replies

I did a topic earlier this school year about setting avatars through powershell. I have since got that mostly working. I can set most users pictures set through powershell, but some user's profile pictures folder exists  but cannot be seen by either ...

  • 3 Replies

I leave individual comments for each student submission but would like to have a set "comment" for all missing work where students will receive a 0.For example, when I have missing work automatically set to be given the score of 0 I would like to be ...

  • 4 Replies