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Is it possible to download a csv that shows when each student submitted their assignment?

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Canvas Question Forum
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After my students take a quiz using the New quiz that includes a short answer.  It does not show up on the teacher to do list.  Am I missing something or is this feature not part of the new quiz feature

  • 4 Replies

Okay. I think the answer to this is "no," but maybe there's some clever-clogs out there who knows a good way to do this. Say I want to create a fill-in-multiple-blanks question for which there are six answer blanks, and I want people to answer with a...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I need to create a group assignment using a Google Doc I've created. How do I do this? Assignments won't allow you to assign an External Tool to Canvas groups and Canvas Discussions was too slow of a process for my students to collaborate in real tim...

  • 5 Replies

When teachers are syncing items from the Blueprint to their respective courses, can they choose specific assignments (etc.) or does it have to sync the entire thing each time? The problem lies in when they hit the sync button, it reorganizes things a...

  • 1 Replies

My question is about missing assignments.  If a student has submitted an assignment outside of Canvas (through an email, on paper, etc) how can I mark it as complete so that it doesn't appear to be missing when the student views it?  Is there a manua...

  • 1 Replies

My students are submitting the assignment, but it does not show them as submitted on the assignment.

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Canvas Question Forum
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Last May or June, I set up an ongoing online training in Canvas for small groups of volunteers needing to do an orientation before volunteering at my non-profit.  I have one volunteer that does not have a Canvas account and it wants him to have a cou...

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Canvas Question Forum
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After you have create an assignment / quiz and have graded it - but basically want to delete it from the Grades to do completely delete the whole assignment from the Grades page?

  • 1 Replies

Once I create and publish a quiz in Canvas - I want to make a paper copy of it for my records as well as for some children to use.  How do I print it in a "true printable" format?  Going to PREVIEW and then selecting Control+P does not work.  Copy an...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I need some help. One of the assignment groups consists on quizzes submitted by the students via email at the beginning of class. It is easier if we do it via email instead of Canvas because some students have told us they occasionally experie...

  • 2 Replies

Hi Community, We're working on rolling out the GoogleAssignments LTI with our staff.  The one feature we are looking for is the ability to monitor student work (e.g. writing) in GoogleDocs in real time. I have two noticings: 1. The teacher is not abl...

  • 2 Replies

I am attempting to grade assignments in speedgrader.  The workflow I want to use is as follows:1. With the student's submission made, click on the digital ink icon (which looks like an ink pen).2. Using the stylus on my tablet PC, mark up the submiss...

  • 1 Replies

Hello!!!If I grant a student extended time for an exam, do I have to extend the closing time for the rest of the class?Example:  Class exam starts at 1230p and closes/due at 145pm.    Student R has accomodations requiring a 50% increase in their time...

  • 2 Replies

Has anyone used TCI curriculum with Canvas?  Looking for ideas on how to integrate it and import quizzes. 

  • 1 Replies

Anyone know if you can grade Google slides in the speed grader in the app?  I could have sworn I did a couple weeks ago but seem to know.  Same with Kami assignments aren't showing up.  

  • 2 Replies

I have created a multiple fill in the blank table as a quiz. When I am editing the question, the table looks beautiful. When I go in as a student to take the quiz, the quiz window narrows, and the table widens. Students are forced to scroll across to...

  • 1 Replies

I am using New Quizzes and have used the File Upload question type. Is it possible for me to download all of the submissions for the whole class at once? Right now the only way I can access the files is to manually download each file for every studen...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have applied the Mark as Done button to assignments for my class that require that they do work on an external website.  I want them to go to the website, complete the assignment, then return to Canvas to click the Mark as Done.  How do I know if t...

  • 1 Replies

I have an interesting scenario where only certain "groups" of assignments are being passed from Canvas to Aeries.  I have two periods tied to one gradebook, and certain groups push to one period, one group only pushes to another period in Aeries. Any...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Estamos usando la plataforma INSTRUCTURE FREE FOR TEACHER, pero queremos migrar todas las cuentas de FREE FOR TEACHER A CANVAS K-12, pues algunos módulos que están creados en la plataforma no se hacen visibles, y queremos usar una sola plataforma. Gr...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have assignment groups that have 0% weight towards a final grade. The grades from these groups are brought manually into other assignment groups that are weighted. This is a work-around for not having a nested assignment group feature.Within the st...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to sort by sections when you are looking at the People page in Canvas?  I look at the students' activity for attendance purposes and it would be so much easier if I could separate them by individual periods (ie. period 1, 2, etc).Thank...

  • 2 Replies

I'm the Academic Director at my school and I'm trying to find an easy way to pull progress reports for student progress for all students enrolled so that we can determine "attendance" for the week. Besides asking my staff to record who has submitted/...

  • 2 Replies

I'm working in Canvas. I want to give a pre-test that is 20 questions.  The pre-test is worth 20 participation points for completing the assignment, no matter the score.  I want the student's grade to be participation points, but I want them to recei...

  • 1 Replies

Only one of my three classes gives the message "Your LTI tool has been misconfigured, please contact your institution's Canvas Admin"I was told to ask here for help.

  • 1 Replies

Hi. I have a student who completed a couple of quizzes on time, and today, as preparation for the test, he  re-took them (which he could do because he had unused attempts). I would have expected that, first, all penalties would be applied as appropri...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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A teacher using our courses is in a district that won't allow students to receive emails from outside their domain.   The students had to sign up with a code, and several of them immediately forgot the password they created. HOW can we reset a passwo...

  • 1 Replies

So, I am a Teaching Assistant for a course and, in instructor view, see this when clicking on the zoom section.I tried to permanently change my email to my work email though canvas kept changing my default back to my personal email. Any tips?    

  • 2 Replies

"As I was grading and sending feedback to my students in Canvas I noticed that this system will kick me out of the assignment I am grading every time I try to use the ñ with Alt 164." What options do we have within Canvas (as opposed to having to ope...

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Canvas Question Forum
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