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I have an assignment in this course that is showing to students as unavailable. On my side, the assignments are showing as completely published as well as the module. Here's what the students see: And here's what I see: 

  • 1 Replies

Hi, there!   My grades in Canvas are not syncing correctly in Skyward.   Specifically, when I go back to change a grade (one at a time) for an assignment I've already graded (for a missing/late assignment) and click "sync", the grades don't sync in S...

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I need to remove who use to be my step son from my canvas and leave my other 2 kids on it. How can i do this. 

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I have an embedded powerpoint as an assignment for my students that functions as their interactive notebook for the course.  If I make changes to the version I see in Canvas are those changes reflected on the student copies?  Are they reflected only ...

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Step 5 states "Login to the app through Google." Does that mean that the parents are required to create a Google account? We, too, use Google authentication for students/staff. Our parents who are using the Parent App are now being presented with a G...

  • 1 Replies

Dear community! It is my first post and I have many doubts due to the specific situation I have. I coordinate a global project with 300+ students from different universities (around 15) and 20 professors from all over the world. Everyone (professors ...

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Our schools are setup in Canvas under a higher state-level entity. Therefore, we share an instance of Canvas along with several other schools across our state. This state-level entity gave our group "Sub Account" access in order to manage the manual ...

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Hello, I am new to LTI development and I am currently trying to get my first "Hello World" on LTI 1.3, but I have encountered some difficulties. I have integrated a test application that I found on github to make sure I understand the configuration p...

  • 3 Replies

Sometimes I screw up on a fill in the blank key, or I need to add a correct answer after students start taking the quiz. I can't find a way to get the changes to apply to a quiz in progress, or to regrade after the students have all submitted, withou...

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My new students see the old assignments as being past due.  They do not need to complete those assignments.  How do I hide those from them without hiding them from the students who are responsible for them?

  • 3 Replies

I am trying to sync a quiz grades into skyward. The grade has already been synced before, but there are a few updated scores.  I am trying to resync the grades so that the updated scored show in skyward. I keep getting this WARNING message. What dies...

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Is there a way to edit/hide navigation items like you can for the Course Navigation in Settings?

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I integrated a Flipgrid assignment through Canvas. Multiple students have submitted responses, but I only see a few through Speedgrader. After reading other posts on the forum, I checked Flipgrid as well because sometimes the videos only show up ther...

  • 1 Replies

I received the following error message when I asked Canvas to Sync to my PTP... COLLECTION_GENERIC - 5236aeb3-edaa-4729-8f92-59fd1369f288 - HTTP response HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict response: {"message":"ActualScoreGradeScaleId 1172 is not valid for Sectio...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello.  I would be grateful if someone could help me with this.  Is there any possible way for an instructor to see a date/time stamp on an anonymous assignment submission without posting grades or un-muting the assignment?  Does un-muting mean that ...

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I keep trying to import all of these wonderful interactive classrooms/libraries into my course from the commons.  When I do they work awesome on my end. However, parents/students need permission to access because they are Google Slides (that someone ...

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Students who need to work offline can export course content. How do they upload the content back when they have finished working on it? Individually for each assignment? 

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I have used Speedgrader for seven years, and the changes that have occurred are not an improvement. For example: there was a time when the filled out rubric would automatically post the grade in the grade box--not anymore.Once, Speedgrader would chan...

  • 1 Replies

When i sync my grades from Canvas to PowerTeacher Pro it communicates to Canvas as put assignments in as points but adds 100 points to each assignment so it throws all the percentages off which requires me to go to every assignment in PowerTeacher Pr...

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We have a teacher who needs to grade one last assignment, one that was submitted on time. However, whether in Speedgrader or in the Gradebook, entering the grade returns an error message. It says, "There was a problem updating the submission." There ...

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I use the textbook publisher's online homework system (McGraw-Hill Connect) which is integrated with Canvas. So students access the assignments through Canvas, and grades are automatically posted to the Canvas gradebook. In order to have each assignm...

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Ahoy all, Is a Course Copy that includes settings supposed to bring the dashboard image?  I had thought my previous courses were doing including it, but I'm struggling to remember and it didn't come for the 4 courses I just copied.  Blue skies, Stacy

  • 2 Replies

Once a person has set up an account and paired with a student, how do you unpair if that is no longer needed?

  • 1 Replies

Recently I discovered how to create different tabs in a lesson. It is a great tool, but I wanted to know if anyone knows how to shade the boxes to differentiate the tabs. Right now, everything is white, so the tabs don't stand out from one another. 

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to publish an assignment on different days for different students without creating a duplicate assignment? 

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Need to add a Canvas Data Portal Admin. Where does one find the "Canvas ID"?

  • 2 Replies

Hi all, Our student management system removed a student from class and then his grades also disappeared. How do I recover this data? He was not removed as a user in canvas and he has been readded to the class, but I am trying to avoid having him resu...

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Over the weekend we had a couple strange things happen with our automated SIS integration.  For some reason, Canvas thought our SIS instructed it to delete all of our courses for the current term.  Since this happened, it also appears Canvas is no lo...

  • 4 Replies

Using the IOS App when a student selects LAUNCH EXTERNAL TOOL to view the new assignment nothing happens. We have found resolutions to have it work using both Safari and Chrome but the APP does not allow them to view the assignment. Is anyone else ex...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have gizmos accounts and I want the students to be able to stay within the Canvas to complete an assignment.  I embed it on the Canvas page, but it won't let them login - it just keeps going back to the login page.  It runs fine with embedding the...

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