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I teach 1st -3rd grade and am new to Canvas. I have my homepage set up with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade buttons. Within the garde I want to add a button with my students name so I can individualize their curriculum. Is there  way that only that student...

  • 1 Replies

Teachers are looking for a way to do a graded survey DAILY without allowing multiple attempts. AKA..."did you watch today's video and complete the assignments" type of accountability check. We'd like to do it without having to copy and paste the surv...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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The page says "It’s time to scan your completed work from the checklist below and upload it to the drop-box for your teacher. Please upload the work in the order shown in the checklist."Where do I find this drop-box? I submitted one paper with the "s...

  • 1 Replies

I'd like to limit the time on an essay, but ALSO use Vericite.  Quizzes can limit the time, but can't do Vericite; assignments do Vericite, but no time limit.  This is an asynchronous course, so I can't just open the assignment and close it after the...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to create a link on page that goes to an assignment in a completely different course? I would not be able to copy the assignment or move the assignment.

  • 1 Replies

Is there a 'cheat sheet' quick guide for parents ?

  • 2 Replies

I have had this issue for a while but just assumed it would end up being fixed. I am a college student and my classes use Canvas for quizzes. Whenever I start a Canvas quiz, it automatically starts my time at 1 hour 0 minutes instead of 0 hours 0 min...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,I am not able to input any questions into my quizzes.  I have the edit pencil but am not able to do anything in that area.  Getting to be very frustrating as I need to get this done today.  Any thoughts other than sending in a critical message whi...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Needing to get my school e-mails from Canvas.Under Account,  then Settings, my school e-mail has an orange exclamation point next to it with the error message:  Canvas was unable to send e-mail to this address. Please ensure the address is correct to...

  • 1 Replies

Hello - I have a few students whose Flipgrid will not link with Canvas. They have gone through the load tool, record and submitted their video but it is still not syncing to Canvas. Anyone know why this might be?

  • 2 Replies

I have one interior design course third period, but I offer it as regular and honors. Even though they are during the same class section, my dashboard shows them as two separate courses. Is there a way I can merge these two sections into one? I want ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Hi! good afternoon! Is there any way that the zoom recordings can be left automatically in Canvas? I need the classes that are in "Upcoming Meetings" to appear in "cloud recordings" without having to publish them manually. Previously this worked c...

  • 3 Replies

When running and import from my SIS I am getting this error: An enrollment listed a section and a course that are unrelated for user.   I have crosswalk everything.  The course_id is correct in the course file.  The section_id is correct in the secti...

  • 2 Replies

I created a new course and wanted to copy everything from one course to the other. I hit the import content button and it imported backwards from what I intended and now both courses are blank.  How can I get that restored?

  • 2 Replies

Can anyone help me with how to create a pairing code so I can observe my sons school year? I have read the faq sheets, but there is not an option on his account to create a pairing code. Is there a step we are missing? Is this something that has to w...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,How do I change the order of courses in the course tab (button on left)?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to create a midterm exam that is multiple choice that is separate from quizzes?  I weight the quiz group and the exam group differently.

  • 1 Replies

I was "playing" around with creating a quiz and then once I understood, actually got to building a legit quiz. However, as I catered it to my needs, the  name of the quiz doesn't go with the content. How do I change just the name of the quiz itself? 

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have an interactive grading process originating with self-assessments, and I want my gradebook to record only whether or not students have turned the assignment in or not. In another LMS I used "yes" or "not yet" as my grades. Can I do this in Canv...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

I use a labor-based grading contract in my class rather than numerical scores on assignments. I don't see how to use a grading scale in the gradebook in Canvas.

  • 14 Replies

I teach High School English and I wanted to create an assignment that is due on Friday, but that they start recording answers for on Mon.What is the best way to create a document/assignment that would allow students to work on the document Mon, and t...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,  I had an issue with a course I designed where the TA's grades and comments both disappeared after students completed their peer reviews.  The timeline and settings were something like this: Students upload their submission to the assignment (...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to set it where I can type in all the possible numbers for each variable? I have a lot of questions where the numbers have to pair up correctly for the math to make sense, so I can't really use the random number generator, even if I se...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to force a link placed on the Global Navigation to open in a new tab or window? We have the XML below:<lticm:options name="global_navigation"><lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property><lticm:property name="windowTarget">_blan...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Before I ask for Roll Call to be turned on... Are badges assigned daily or does assigning once mean it appears every day? We are looking at using this feature for noting daily when a student is attending class in person or online, with a badge for ea...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I recorded a conference using bigbluebutton. It showed up available to view so I clicked to view it. When I click to view the recording, it takes me a to a page the show both my face and my screen that I was showing at the time. But I could only down...

  • 2 Replies

As the title says, my homepage needs a facelift. It's been the same way for a few years now and I need something to spice it up, especially now that so many of us are teaching online only based courses. If you can I'd prefer visual examples rather th...

  • 1 Replies

Our Academic Support Center would like to be able to view all student Canvas accounts.  Is it possible to give them access to do this without giving them full admin access?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have embedded a Desmos activity into my Canvas course using the following HTML script. <iframe style="border: none;" src=" CODE GOES HERE" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe> This successfully embe...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Hi, we just blueprinted a course that had a series of question banks included for the final exam. The blueprint create each of these question banks as an unpublished quiz in the new course shell.  This is confusing some of the instructors.  I went in...

  • 1 Replies