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I uploaded a page into the files. Now I want to link to it from the syllabus page. I highlighted the word, clicked the link button, the list of choices came up.  I clicked navigation and clicked files, BUT it does not let me choose which file. How do...

  • 2 Replies

Is there an easy way of seeing incomplete assignments and completed assignments, side by side?

  • 4 Replies

Hi, i would need more than 8 BOR at the same time (for Partner-activity...) - do you have a solution for the problem?GreetingsJudit

  • 1 Replies

After having watched a knowledge clip on Coursera. A quiz or self answering/poll immediately pops up. How can I do this in Canvas / with Kaltura? 

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I always find it particularly useful when I log back in an LMS I can continue where I left the course / module. Is that a possibility in Canvas? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, Is it possible to automatically generate rubric scores for outcomes we've pre-defined based on quiz scores without having to manually go through speedgrader? For example if a student receives a 30/100 on the quiz, they would then get a 0/5 on ...

  • 1 Replies

Can anyone else solve this? I have 4 sections crosslisted into another section (bc that's how my K12 District said to do it). When I try to use SpeedGrader on a quiz, I can ONLY see students in the parent section. When I try to change it to another s...

  • 7 Replies

The goal is to have all students/sections in one course receiving the same content.  The content would be created by one person and the hope would be that teachers would be able to deliver the content to their respective sections. What would be the b...

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I have used Canvas for 3 years, but for some reason this year, when I enter grades the next day they are all marked in red and missing.  They all have proper points.  Help!!  K

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, we just bought Canvas this Summer (before a bunch of teachers had the Free accounts) and we just were told that Powerschool does not allow grade passback back to PowerTeacher Pro.  Have any users of Powerschool and Canvas heard this?  Are you ...

  • 1 Replies

Can TAs sign up for Course Appointments? Is this something that an be added?I have a graduate assistant who helps with tutoring, but still needs to sign up for time on one of our pieces of equipment in the studio (which is managed in this Canvas Cour...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hey Canvas Gang,It has been a long time since I had a stack of 100 student papers sloshing around in my backpack. Even before I used Blackboard, Moodle, or Canvas to collect and comment on student work, I experimented with the comment feature in MS-W...

  • 1 Replies

I have a 2 in 1 touchscreen laptop (Windows 10) and I have been using OneNote for all assignments to be submitted on Canvas. My classmate is able to upload directly to Canvas from OneNote on her iPad and I am not able to do this on my laptop. Is ther...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I received an email asking if I wanted to merge my children’s accounts. Now when my daughter logs into her account it only shows my son’s name. How can I separate their accounts again?

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have a 1st grade student and we are relatively new to the Canvas world. In the previous year we experienced the multiple submission issue. When we needed to add multiple files or answers to an assignment it would ask us to "resubmit" the assignmen...

  • 1 Replies

Can we enroll the students directly to the courses without waiting for the students to accept or decline the invitation?I  tried the sheet "enrollment" but I could not figure out where I can get this datacourse_idroot_accountuser_idrolerole_idsection...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,   I have not been able to connect to Canvas using the API token tool.   I am an admin. I created the token through Profile > Integration > Tokens   I also tried through Developer Keys.   But in both cases I get below error. Any help would be ap...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Our courses have not been finalized, but I would like to prep for the school year.  Once courses and schedules are set they will automatically be loaded into Canvas.  Can I work on a Sandbox Course and then transfer EVERYTHING (template, links, layou...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know why the information for the students is so inconsistent in the various assessments? For example,

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I create a quiz where different answers allot different points ie if they choose A they get 5 points, B is 2 points and C is 1 point. 

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I have a couple of questions.  What do the green checks by assignments in the calendar mean?  Also, what's the difference between looking at the calendar for assignments or just choosing the "assignments" choice on the left hand side of the homepage?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have embedded my bitmoji classroom onto my canvas homepage. All the links will work on a computer but when they students try to use my interactive classroom on their ipads none of the links work. When they click on anything i have linked on my bitm...

  • 1 Replies

How long does it take for courses to sync? 

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I have created a question bank with all my questions for all my quizzes, but I can not figure out how to get them into the New Quizzes or add them to the Item Bank.

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Canvas Question Forum
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Can anyone help me with figuring out where the "Forgot Password?" request controls are in the admin settings?  As of now, I have teachers using the feature but I have no idea where those requests are going. Should this be automatic? Is there a settin...

  • 1 Replies

How do I add an app to my navigation bar?

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I'd like to finish the module and then publish it, so students don't get notifications. Instead it automatically publishes files, then i have to unpublish... Is there a setting somewhere to stop this?

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Canvas Question Forum
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If assignments that are exempt or late can transfer over to Power Teacher Pro, why can missing assignments not transfer over as missing?

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When using the Flipgrid LTI, the option to proceed after recording will not show on the screen.  This was not an issue two weeks ago when I last used Flipgrid; but, now, as you can see the menu options on the left of the screen are barely visible and...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

A functionality I'm not seeing, but am hoping exists, is the ability to post assignments automatically in the future - not have them "open," but appear altogether in the future. I don't want students to see what assignments are coming up, but would r...

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Canvas Question Forum
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