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How do I record a canvas conference without seeing user names on the left side? My chat window is shut but all the names are still showing on the left. Our work does not allow recorded conferences where names are shown. Even just first names.

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Canvas Question Forum
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so I am not seeing the html editor button so i can upload my google slides into a new page on canvas. all it posts are the codes from the google slides. I have watch youtube videos where the person has the html editor button and it worked. I am new t...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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The Grade Synch will not appear in my course navigation list. I am going to Settings and selecting Enable to put Grade Synch on my navigation list, but still will not appear.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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I've read various posts here and it seems one cannot unpublish a course.  This is not about student access to it, I know how to fix that, its about the very cluttered interface when there are dozens of "published" course in your dashboard.   I have 7...

  • 3 Replies

Hi, I have some questions about the security involved in using the ZOOM LTI Pro in Canvas.  If students were to share the Id and password with another student would they be ableto join? Also, if they invite someone on the participants panel would the...

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Canvas Question Forum
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In a class with 90 students, I want to create 18 groups that will each be given the same prompt, will each be asked to collaborate via a Google Doc, and will each have its own discussion board to facilitate their work.  Is there a way to do this with...

  • 2 Replies

What field name imports the student to the teacher?Sue

  • 2 Replies

I am new to canvas and am trying to post my weekly assignments.  For some reason Canvas is interchanging different assignments. Each day we have the same arrangement:  Application Problem, problem set, fluency practice, etc.  How can I fix this?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have 8 sections of ELAR - they are divided into GT, Honors, etc.  8 in all.  I have only ONE section set up just how I want it.  Module, Pages, etc.  This is for the first 8 days of school.  I am not a rocket scientist, so I need to be told (simply...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When I went to Zoom within Canvas, I got the following message:WarningUser does not exist: Code 1001 - INT_f0adca66d28afa6c I have already "Enabled" Zoom and my Zoom account is under the email listed above.  I checked two d...

  • 2 Replies

I have finally figured out how to have my kids annotate and submit  PDFs using the app on their iPads. I am having them open a pdf from an assignment, use the tools to annotate/do the work and submit. BUT, what happens if the student does not finish ...

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I have three sections of the same math course that I would like to have the exact same content set up on. I would like to keep the students within their individual classes for organizational and grading purposes. Is there a way to have this happen au...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have an LTI plug-in which has been using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate/authorize. The tool has been working fine for 1 year but yesterday I faced a problem.I am unable to get access token and hence the tool stopped working.In summary, I use a GET reque...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have an LTI plug-in which has been using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate/authorize. The tool has been working fine for 1 year but yesterday I faced a problem.I am unable to get access token and hence the tool stopped working.In summary, I use a GET reque...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I cannot open canvas site with my home wifi, however, I can open on my phone with 3G data. I saw a post with same problem but I cannot access to the link in the solution....

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm hoping I can spruce up Canvas with fun games and quizzes with apps I program in Unity.  I'm wondering if a WebGL app can be hosted internally within Canvas and actually grab the info from a quiz to make the questions and then provide a score back...

  • 1 Replies

I created an interactive classroom via google slides and embedded it as my homepage in my Canvas course.  All of the links embedded in the google slide work seamlessly on my laptop. However, when I switch to an ipad, which is what the students will u...

  • 3 Replies

Hello,  I have created a quiz in New Quizzes.  There are three questions and each one is worth one point for a total of three.  However, when the quiz is listed in Quizzes or on the Module, it says out of 10.  Then another has 8 total points for 8 qu...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I cannot find how to link the “appointment group” in Canvas (scheduler) with my MS-Teams. I am aware that there are Microsoft Bookings that I could go through, but I have a large class of Freshmen who must learn 4 different technology platform...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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If I enter something into one course, it copies it to another course and I do not want it to do that.  How can I fix it without having to delete and start over?  Example--when I put my REMIND CODE under MEET THE TEACHER, it copies to my other two cou...

  • 1 Replies

Peer review assignments - (1) for students completing their peer reviews, how do I see those and grade them when these are anonymous? (2) Also, can students use markup or rubric tools when doing their peer reviews? (3) Is there somewhere within the p...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm setting up a self-hosted Canvas, and looking to configure for Google Apps SSO via SAML. The first part of the instructions begins with "Before configuring SSO, ask Canvas LMS  support to provide a unique account ID for your organization. This is ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have been trying to set up our Cisco Webex meetings for synchronous sessions for this coming week.  Now I have noticed that some of those were set for the wrong time and I was wanting to modify them, but there does not seem to be any way to do so?

  • 1 Replies

Hi All,Does anyone have any rubrics they can share?Tracie 

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
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I have tried and failed to import content from my Pre-AP course to my Gen Ed Course when it is a google cloud assignment.  I have Imported the "Page" that has the instructions and then links on the page to the assignments.  I also imported the assign...

  • 2 Replies

I merged 10 courses into one since they are all Math 6. However, how do I view just one course (period) at a time within the gradebook or even submission area (because I know that too is going to be an issue for me soon, but my students haven't submi...

  • 3 Replies

I am recording audio in Rich Content Editor and I am getting a grey box around the audio file. I made sure to turn off the video. I want to get rid of the grey box with the eighth note. I feel like we used to be able to just do an audio recording in ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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How can pages be organized in the "Pages" screen so that they are not all listed alphabetically? Can they be grouped into folders like you can in the "files" section?As it is, I have so many pages that it is difficult to locate the exact one I want i...

  • 1 Replies

How can I embed a recording function within an assignment? I would like to upload PDF stories and have students record themselves reading them. Note that I teach young children with disabilities, so I'm hoping for the simplest steps possible... Thank...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way I can create an essay Quiz Question that is assessed differently for each Outcome it is aligned with? For example, consider a student who writes an essay response that demonstrates they've mastered the aligned reading Outcome, but they...

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Canvas Question Forum
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