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I am using the grade passback from Canvas to Skyward and 1 section will not accept the grade passback.I get a failure/Error message that looks like this: Failed to fetch grading categories for section "SCIENCE 7 VIRTUAL-08-Griffin" from SkywardERRORG...

  • 1 Replies

How do i submit a assignment without a submit button?I can't do anything if i don't submit the assignment

  • 1 Replies

So I have created digital journals for my students to complete, and today was the first day of this and I have had the issue of the student accidentally deleting pages of the google slides. How can I help them get the slides back or reset the assignm...

  • 6 Replies

Is there a way to bring items from your Google Calendar into Canvas?  I have appointments with my students already set in Google Calendar and would like to have them integrated into Canvas.Thanks!

  • 1 Replies

First month into Canvas. It feels like I was taught to ride a bike and then tossed the keys to a Ferrari. I have a co-taught class for which I would like all assignment submissions (from an external submission source, Kami) emailed to BOTH myself and...

  • 1 Replies

When I enter something as a "new quiz" it moves under assignments. When the assignment is added to a module, it does not offer the choice to click next as the student works through the module. They can't seem to get past the assignment to keep going....

  • 1 Replies

Can anyone please explain whether Canvas has a glitch or what might be done to resolve this crisis I'm having? Up to just one week ago, my pairing of a media e-textbook through Macmillan's Launchpad platform looked great on my Canvas course shell, ev...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have a teacher that is using Total Points, but has her categories weighted differently.  The plot twist is this her assignment categories are different for each course. Scenario (these categories are created in PowerTeacher Pro)AP Physics Class:Ass...

  • 1 Replies

We have 58 courses created in Canvas. We've been asked to make these available as Google Classroom courses as well as in Classlink/Launchpad.  Is this possible? Can it only be done the other way around?Brand new to LTIs, so any resources you could po...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How can students post their  assignments like papers on canvas that will only be seen by instructor and the student whose assignment it is?  I am the instructor.  

  • 1 Replies

I have a teacher who has posted an assignment and they are getting this message. They are then unable to authenticate it.When I click on the link for "Which character are you", it takes me to the site and nothing shows up. It only says the page is un...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My Canvas courses are using the old "Grades."  Is there a way to upgrade to the new "Gradebook?"Thanks.

  • 2 Replies

We have blueprint courses created and synced with student courses.  In the blueprint courses, our teachers have created Google Assignments with LTI 1.3 integration so that it forces a copy of a document for each student.  When they are synced with th...

  • 17 Replies

I have a macboook air and I tried to use both safari and chrome to access the carmen website and they both just get stuck on the loading page when I click on the link so I am not even able to get to the login page. I tried to clear my history and tri...

  • 1 Replies

I have modules that are unpublished and students can still see them. How is this possible and how do I fix it? If it matters, this is a course copied from a district upload and I haven't entered due dates yet. 

  • 1 Replies

I have a teacher whose course is showing up in future courses even though it is a 1st semester course and the start/end dates are correct.Is there anything else to check?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I'm using canvas (as an instructor) for the first time to grade essays. I just opened one by clicking on it directly from the 'to do' list on my dashboard. I marked it as a canvas assignment rather than turnitin. After finishing and closing it...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I have used Canvas in my school for the previous two years as a teacher and had great success with integrating Google Drive files. HOWEVER, as my district has made the change to Virtual Learning and Face to Face I've noticed some issues. Some, not al...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Some of my parents are getting the "email already in use" error when trying to set up their Parent Observer accounts. They have never registered for a parent account before, though.  Anyone else having this problem or have a solution? Thank you

  • 1 Replies

Hello!I recently cross listed my classes, and followed the directions of downloading all the students submissions and the grades. When importing them after the cross list the grades appear, but whenever I re-upload their submissions (I didn't change ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I see nowhere for parents to contact my children's teachers.  If I had no way to contact teachers last semester, my children would have without a doubt received lower grades rather than the straight A's that they ended up getting.  WHY?  Because teac...

  • 3 Replies

There is absolutely zero reference to what student notifications are for... just the class.   WHY?

  • 3 Replies

I have 6 children.  How do I filter the calendar by student?  All I am seeing is courses splattered randomly on a calendar.   I would think that a parent would be able to say - I want to see child A's schedule, from morning to afternoon...and in a si...

  • 11 Replies

Our school is using the free version of Canvas, and yesterday several teachers had Live Video Conferences set up. But when students logged in, some couldn't see the conference from their side, even after the teacher had started the conference. (All u...

  • 1 Replies

Good afternoon, at the moment we are developing a platform for the analytics of sports events, it is based on the processing of sports broadcasts by artificial intelligence.To train a neural network, we need operators who will check and edit the AI, ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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  We can get into Canvas just fine.  But the wrong classes are there.  Only 2 of his classes match his actual schedule.  We called the school, NE High School and his guidance counselor, Ms Fackrell, says she can do nothing.  I don't think his schedul...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,  I was wondering if it is possible to include, so-called, knock-out criteria in the Canvas Rubrics? That means can I overrule the outcome of the Rubric if students for example receive a "poor" on a specific criteria of the Rubric.  Kind regards, ...

  • 5 Replies

Has anyone developed an observation checklist on canvas for the VET sector?  If so can you give me some guidance on how you developed it.

  • 4 Replies

Is it possible to embed a link in my homepage to the student calendar?I realize that the calendar is available through the global navigation screen, but I am trying to ease access for parents.Thanks

  • 2 Replies

I imported a module from one of my courses. The assignment that was a part of this module was a google cloud assignment that had a specific point value (30 pts) and an attachment. Upon transferring the module, this assignment no longer had the same p...

  • 1 Replies