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This question was brought to me by one of my teachers. I thought I would share it here to see how other Canvas users are handling. When you click an event from the canvas calendar, it shows a clickable preview of the event without clicking further on...

  • 2 Replies

I am attempting to get files from a Shared Google Drive (from the district) into an assignment in Canvas. I know there is not a direct way to do this but seeing if anyone has found a work around. I have found a work around to get something from a Sha...

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I am trying to embeded a Nearpod draw-it slide in a Canvas quiz question to have students create a graph.  However, when I preview the quiz and submit an answer the image does not show up.

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I think I am following the directions correctly when uploading an assignment through the Google Cloud Drive option via the "External tool". Everything uploads correctly, which is great!! However, when the students click on the "Blue Lettering" of the...

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I am trying to encourage our organization's teachers and staff to utilize the expert power of the collective here at Canvas Community. So that we can find our teacher and staff posts more efficiently, are there other suggestions we can utilize other ...

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This is more of an FYI rather than a question: The "type" field in the "communication_channel_dim" data table has been changed to allow 'slack' as an option.  The documentation here: has...

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Half of my life is spent asking my sons if they submitted an assignment and trying to verify if in they they DID submit the assignment and if it was submitted successfully/received by their teachers. There must be an easy way to see this!

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm currently working on a way to get all questions from a quiz. However, if the questions are from a question bank then they won't get retrieved when I try to get all quiz questions. Is there any way to retrieve quiz questions that are from question...

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I set up a Webex meeting in the MEETS section of my course in Canvas. I can see the meeting in the MEETS calendar and in my webex app. I don’t see it in the Canvas calendar and I did not get an Webex meeting invite. How can I make it appear in the Ca...

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Greetings,I notice a student is populated into the "Assign To" field in an assignment when I type a student's name and then type a comma (,). Is it possible to input a string of names separated by a comma or semicolon to autopopulate a group of stude...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello - I am a parent.  Every time I attempt to enter the pairing code, generated by my son.  I go to the parent create login page.  I input the code. It keeps telling me invalid code.  I've tried several times.  Can someone please assist?

  • 2 Replies

Whenever I start editing using the RCE, I have to drag the eight dots down to make the window big enough to work in. I have to do this EVERY time I enter into editing mode. It is rather annoying and if there is a default setting I need to change, ple...

  • 1 Replies

So a colleague has an assignment worth 50 points that is set up as complete/incomplete. They have their late submission policy so that the assignment is docked 50 percent if turned in late.  In practice, the policy does not seem to be working.  I'm g...

  • 2 Replies

Hello! I keep reading you can  randomize the order of questions in a quiz by choosing the "EDIT QUIZ" option. Where do I find that option? Nothing appears before/during/after  the  "+QUIZ" button... I can only see the Shuffle questions option to rand...

  • 5 Replies

I'm looking for a description of the GRADE ICONS that show up in the "score" column of grades in the "observer view."

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Student videos in a discussion section have a little broken box that says "loading". 

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We are using Microsoft Teams (integrated) in Canvas for video conferencing. We are currently setting up one meeting each day, per course. This is a lot of work for a teacher each day. Does anyone set up recurring Microsoft Teams Meetings? We are unsu...

  • 2 Replies

I know how to view course analytics for a student and I know what participation and page views mean.  However I do need a clarifying question answered.  If a student is enrolled in multiple courses, is the analytics page in my course only information...

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Canvas Question Forum
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what does mean Ignore points( canvas is stupid).focus on grade 

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I set myself with an observer account on a desktop browser, and it shows successful pairing with both of my kids.I am unable to log on my mobile device (iOs 13.7) through the Canvas Parent app. It either 1) takes me to Google Acct login, then says I ...

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Is it possible to turn off comments on submissions in SpeedGrader?

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As an adjunct instructor at multiple schools it would be great to have a way to move our rubrics.  It seems we have to do the same work over and over again (mindlessly creating rubrics for multiple schools again and again) for each school. It would b...

  • 4 Replies

I am using New Quizzes. I have a bank in my course, it's all there when I go to "manage banks". But when I am trying to create a quiz, it says I have no banks. This has been going on since yesterday.

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I am new to canvas and am used to using Bootstrap to create items. We used to use a Click and Reveal and have found that using a dialog box will accomplish mostly the same thing:<div id="dialog_for_link1" class="enhanceable_content dialog">Hard work ...

  • 1 Replies

It appears that when putting a course link into the RCE, the default is to open a new window when the link is clicked.  Is there a way to not have it open a new window, and just go to that page? Don't know that it makes a difference, but I'm linking ...

  • 2 Replies

Need to differentiate content for adult learners from 9 school teams we are coaching. Just took the MasteryPaths webinar. I tried to create a one-question graded survey/multiple choice as my source assignment (each answer option corresponds each of t...

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I have marked a number of assignments in the grade book as Excused for those students who added the class late however those assignments are still being calculated in the final grade. No idea why.

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Hello All! If you're looking for a quick way to change the visibility of a course navigation tab for all account courses, here's a Python script you could use that I created!

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I screen record on this site, It's for an assignment and I'm lost on this website.  

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