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Hello, I cannot find how to link the “appointment group” in Canvas (scheduler) with my MS-Teams. I am aware that there are Microsoft Bookings that I could go through, but I have a large class of Freshmen who must learn 4 different technology platform...

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Canvas Question Forum
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If I enter something into one course, it copies it to another course and I do not want it to do that.  How can I fix it without having to delete and start over?  Example--when I put my REMIND CODE under MEET THE TEACHER, it copies to my other two cou...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a hard copy manual of all of the modules that I can print up?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Peer review assignments - (1) for students completing their peer reviews, how do I see those and grade them when these are anonymous? (2) Also, can students use markup or rubric tools when doing their peer reviews? (3) Is there somewhere within the p...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm setting up a self-hosted Canvas, and looking to configure for Google Apps SSO via SAML. The first part of the instructions begins with "Before configuring SSO, ask Canvas LMS  support to provide a unique account ID for your organization. This is ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have been trying to set up our Cisco Webex meetings for synchronous sessions for this coming week.  Now I have noticed that some of those were set for the wrong time and I was wanting to modify them, but there does not seem to be any way to do so?

  • 1 Replies

hello - i finally downloaded the app to see what my students see, and i noticed that the app follows none of my instructions for hiding materials. my "student view" in the browser platform follows directions, while my student app just shows everythin...

  • 1 Replies

Hi All,Does anyone have any rubrics they can share?Tracie 

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
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I have tried and failed to import content from my Pre-AP course to my Gen Ed Course when it is a google cloud assignment.  I have Imported the "Page" that has the instructions and then links on the page to the assignments.  I also imported the assign...

  • 2 Replies

I merged 10 courses into one since they are all Math 6. However, how do I view just one course (period) at a time within the gradebook or even submission area (because I know that too is going to be an issue for me soon, but my students haven't submi...

  • 3 Replies

I am recording audio in Rich Content Editor and I am getting a grey box around the audio file. I made sure to turn off the video. I want to get rid of the grey box with the eighth note. I feel like we used to be able to just do an audio recording in ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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How can pages be organized in the "Pages" screen so that they are not all listed alphabetically? Can they be grouped into folders like you can in the "files" section?As it is, I have so many pages that it is difficult to locate the exact one I want i...

  • 1 Replies

How can I embed a recording function within an assignment? I would like to upload PDF stories and have students record themselves reading them. Note that I teach young children with disabilities, so I'm hoping for the simplest steps possible... Thank...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way I can create an essay Quiz Question that is assessed differently for each Outcome it is aligned with? For example, consider a student who writes an essay response that demonstrates they've mastered the aligned reading Outcome, but they...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I added bookmarks to VidGrid videos, then added CC.  When I added CC, the bookmarks disappeared.  Is there a way to add CC without the bookmarks disappearing?

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Are there settings that need to be set within the course for the parent who is showing as an observer under people to be able to see the course?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I hope I'm asking in the right forum.  I developed an online course consisting of video lectures and and quizzes that I currently have on a website.  My clients (colleges) are asking for Canvas integration so they can offer it to students, but I have...

  • 2 Replies

Hi All,   I want to add a Google auth provider to Canvas, so we have click the log in with Google link below the main auth fields, and log in to our Canvas accounts.    I have added a Google auth provider and set it up as follows.   I have restricted...

  • 10 Replies

What is the best way to design for the following:Provide students with a pdf of an article or guided notes that they will annotate on (either on-screen or printed out)? Kids would need to annotate on both of them, but they do not have to be turned in...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I imported my content from a practice course to my actual course that was created by the district. In the practice course I had created a notebook.  How can I import that notebook to this new course. 

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do i access my classes on Dashboard? it shows i don't have any classes yet , how do i manage to have my registered classes appear on my dashboard?

  • 2 Replies

Is this a functionality that the district must turn on? I cannot apply an Item Tag to my quiz questions. 

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have the bitmoji class on my Canvas homepage but I can not take off the black bars on the top & bottom of the slide. How do I do this? 

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How do I get the hyperlinks in google slides to work when embedding the slide into a Canvas page?Thanks!

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to use the same Google Drive file (Doc or Slides) for multiple and different assignments in Canvas for students? I want to create a Digital Reader's/Writer's Notebook with my students using Google Slides, but how can I get back and sen...

  • 1 Replies

I need help ..which browsers do canvus support 

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I am currently working in a sandbox course and would like to open another sandbox to work on a different course. Is this a possibility? If so, how do I create a new sandbox. Also, if it is possible, will downloading a new sandbox delete the work in m...

  • 1 Replies

How can I post a slightly different page to each class section or class period within the same canvas course?  (Like a page with login information to an external source that I want different for each period?)  I use the feature in assignments, but I ...

  • 3 Replies

Is there an app that can be used to create quizzes in canvas? I used to use Respondus in WebCT, but I don't think that works with canvas.

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New to CanvasWant to upload a first day worksheet "Reflections On last school year" to an assignment. This worksheet is a PDF. How do I upload and make this worksheet fillable so the students can submit?

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