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Is there a way that I can have students submit written paper and pencil homework assignment in Canvas (Maybe even using Google)?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Is viewing offline files or opening a browser in another window count while having a quiz in Canvas counted as an indication in the Quiz Log that you have stopped viewing the page and made it visible to the professor? I'm just worried that what if th...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi! I created a Quiz with some questions requiring "file upload". The rest are multiple choice items. How do I grade the file upload test items without downloading the files? I was expecting that once I click the link to the file attached by the stud...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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My PDF viewer does not always work on my desktop. Sometimes, it takes a really long time to open a document. Often the document does not open even after a page refresh. Safari tends to be quicker than Chrome and manages to open the PDF. Not a problem...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to click a word to listen to my recorded pronunciation?I had posted this question several months ago and also posted it on the ideas page. I have had not success in finding an answer. I have copied part of my original post. I am includ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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How do I add teachers to my class?

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to record an audio clip directly into the Rich Content Editor and when I do it, this is what happens. I only want to have the "play" part of this. Please help! I have been searching through here and cannot find an answer and it is very fr...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I am an engineering instructor. I particular I teach electronics.  The quizzes I give use circuit diagrams, graphs, etc. I can't figure out how to create such a question (see attached pdf for an example of a electronics quiz).  In addition, the answe...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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How do I access an old account? I have a different email and I can't remember the password.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, Have copied a course however some assignments are caught in a 'loop' and when opened only display 'copying assignment' (image attached).Is there any solution to this? 

  • 3 Replies

Hi! I am a new teacher and I  was trying to finish a Canvas basic training session, but I can't see the submission button in the Assignment section. I noticed I am a teacher for the course, this might be because I registered as a teacher when I signe...

  • 1 Replies

 @Chris_Hofer stefaniesanders @jivedocs_unfede amara.mastronardiFree-For-TeachersQ & A have a free for teacher account and it has been working well until now.When I was trying to add a new student, it says "we were unable to find matches below"Can an...

  • 24 Replies

How do I import quiz content from a course?

  • 1 Replies

Where is the fall 2020 template?  Or the summer 2020 template?

  • 2 Replies

How can students access annotations on instructor feedback?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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How do I place a photo on the my folder instead of a color?

  • 1 Replies

Hi canvas, 2 hours ago, i spend an hour and a half to write something but it accidentally deleted the page, and i was very mad about it, i hope you can fix this thanks.

  • 1 Replies

My profile list me as a student, I am a teacher.  How do I fix this?

  • 1 Replies

I am interested in the idea of "collaborations" but want to make it a little simpler to have the collaboration doc be uploaded to all student gradebooks of that group.  So, here's the question: If I use Google Assignments to publish a google doc by n...

  • 3 Replies

Hi there,I just found that my original settings were changed without my editing. I tried to edit my display name which I've used so far, but I could not find any option to edit my name. The only two options I could change are language and time zone. ...

  • 1 Replies

How do I delete my account.  The district needs to create one for us and they need to use my school email.  I need to delete so they can create a new one.  I've searched the site, and nobody can seem to give a strait answer.

  • 3 Replies

Hello,I recently had to remove a student from my course.  This student completed Evaluation Forms; however, I did not print out the data or download the data.Is there any way I can retrieve the feedback from this individual who I removed?Thank you,Ja...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

I have enrolled students to my roster. One student has accepted the course invitation, however his name doesn't appear near his login ID, even though when I check on user details, he has his name there. How can I get his name to show up on the course...

  • 1 Replies

How can I share my Canvas with my teaching partner?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible to use this in Canvas and have the student access THEIR SAME copy multiple times for for prolonged assignments? Or, will it create a NEW copy each time they click on the assignment?If this is something that cannot be repeatedly opened ...

  • 1 Replies

I want to use my instructor introduction.  Is there a way I can copy it from one of my courses and add that page to the rest of my courses?  I tried to copy course and select pages as my content, but I think it will copy all the pages, not just the i...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Why can't I add people anymore.  I put in email address and it says user not found.  Before it sent an invitation and they logged in.

  • 1 Replies

With the update to the website, I'm unable to add new students to my course. Previously, I would paste emails into the box that comes up when I click +People. Then I would hit next and get the screen that is attached. There used to be check boxes to ...

  • 14 Replies

When a file or image is embedded in a page, the html contains the file ID number so the page renders correctly. Since I am skilled enough with html, it would be simple for me to replace one image with another image if I just knew the ID number of the...

  • 5 Replies

Received internal error trying to add user to course not it will not allow me to add any user to course says it cannot see email address.

  • 5 Replies