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I have a teacher who posted a quiz and the item analysis is not reflecting the actual number of students who have taken the quiz. When he clicks moderate the number of kids who have taken the quiz is higher than the number reflected in item analysis?...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I edit points in modules?

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I am trying to have my students log on to Canvas, however they are being directed to enter a Google E-mail instead of the username and password page.  How can I change this redirection so that they can enter their usernames and log on?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I would like for an assignment to show up the same in gradebook with the same title, but I need to modify the assignment for my SPED students.Everyone (minus SPED) receives assignment ASPED receives assignment A-modifiedIt shows up the same in the gr...

  • 1 Replies

Good Morning!  I was training a teacher on how to use Edpuzzle on Canvas and I was logged in as them (admin) and I accidentally logged in as me on Edpuzzle and now when he logs in it is me instead of him.Can you instruct me on how to remove my accoun...

  • 1 Replies

How do I determine what version of Canvas I am using?

  • 2 Replies

How do I move a module from my Sandbox to a course?

  • 1 Replies

Hi I am an instructor for Richard Medical Academy in Toledo, Ohio. We are using online education materials for at least the next 5 weeks. I am teaching Anatomy and Physiology 1 for 6 weeks of the next quarter. Someone has already added content, maybe...

  • 1 Replies

As a admin is there a way to see which teachers have completed the "Growing with Canvas" Course. Also I believe this course educators can earn badges? How does this work and where can an admin take accountability of that.

  • 1 Replies

I'm trying to figure out a way for my students to upload videos that they have created for the entiresection to be able to view, as well as to provide feedback.  I know that feedback can be providedin the Discussion boards.  Is there a way for studen...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I conclude an enrollment in my course?

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Occasionally I will hear the "Chat alert" tone (and see the speaker icon in the correct browser tab in Chrome) but when I look at the chat, there are no messages. Am I missing something? Does chat sound the alert for other events in the chat such as ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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What is the difference between "Course Chat" and "Module Chat"? I can't seem to identify any difference or why I sometimes see one and sometimes the other.

  • 8 Replies

Hi, I'm trying to add a Quizlet activity to a module but I can only add it as a link which takes my learners to the external website. I have seen other users have the activities from Quizlet embedded in their Canvas module. Maybe this is a feature yo...

  • 2 Replies

I am new to Canvas as an instructor. I have a hard copy exam (Word document). Is there anyway I can import this as an exam (quiz I guess in Canvas) as opposed to typing each question and building it that way in Canvas? What is the easiest way to hand...

  • 2 Replies

I am grading a Canvas Quiz.  The quiz contained several essay questions.A student made the following comment while I was grading the quiz:  "Is it an April Fool's joke to make us watch our grades incrementally go up?"I did not know that students woul...

  • 1 Replies

I want to have a video office hour with my class. What is an easy way to do that?Thanks, Steve

  • 1 Replies

I wish to give a student extra time on a quiz.  When I grade it though Speed grader, It assesses a late penalty. I wish to override that late penalty. 

  • 1 Replies

I am having trouble recording audio only to add to a page. I followed the guide for how to add audio but when I press save, nothing is added to my page. A grey box appears and then it disappears. There is no button to play the audio I recorded.

  • 2 Replies

I created an event in the Canvas calendar that I ended up deleting, but it is still showing up in my Google iCal. How do I get rid of it? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the link for Canvas and the event still shows up.

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Canvas Question Forum
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I know how to get a PowerPoint into a YuJa video, but can you do it the other way around?  I'm on a Mac.

  • 1 Replies

Is there any way to add photos or other visual icons to the module titles? - Thanks! Ted Coine

  • 3 Replies

I know how to hide a grade but I want to completely hide an assignment so it doesn't show in the gradebook at all.  With virtual teaching kiddos are really confused about information in the gradebook from assignments that are closed and were before w...

  • 7 Replies

Hi,This seems like a really basic issue but I can't figure it out.Example. We only have online lessons.Course A has a start date 2 weeks from now.The course and Module 1 are published with introductory text so students are not faced with an empty Can...

  • 2 Replies

I have TAs who prescreen student work before I grade.  The anonymous function that removes student's names from work is really valuable in removing bias in grading, but I would also prefer that the TA comments be anonymous, because we are a small sch...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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There are two groups in the course, the instructor wants each group to take a different quiz.

  • 2 Replies

Are there extra layers of security in Conferences to eliminate hackers?  I had someone hack my conference yesterday (ghosting a student's account and posting in the shared notes area) and post profanity.  Ways I can send a password or manually allow ...

  • 3 Replies

A few of my students have said that when they click on assignments or pages in Canvas the following image shows up. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it? I have had them check their browsers ect, but I haven't seen this before. 

  • 3 Replies

Was uploading a file from discoveryeducation. It froze on the bottom of my file screen and will not let me upload any thing else and I cant remove it or delete it .Help please.

  • 3 Replies