[ARCHIVED] multiple attempts on new quizzes

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Help! I am in instructor. Something changed with New Quizzes. I used to be able to provide the students with multiple attempts. Now that isn't an option. I also can't provide partial credit. I have an ordering question. There is no option to give the students partial credit for a mostly correct answer. They just get zeros 

I also can no longer contact customer support even though my institution has a subscription

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1 Solution

Hello @DianaWolf,

I understand you are having trouble providing students multiple attempts on a New Quizzes assessment. If sounds like you may be looking at the assignment details page, instead of the quiz settings when you are not seeing the option to allow multiple attempts. If you are on the build page for the quiz there will be a Settings tab across the top you can use to access the quiz settings and enable the 'Allow multiple attempts' option. The Allow Multiple Attempts section of our New Quizzes settings guide found here How do I manage settings for a quiz in New Quizzes? shows the steps you would take to enable this option as well as the associated settings which are available once multiple attempts are allowed. 

In regards to the option for partial credit with ordering question, this is not currently possible in Canvas as is noted in our Ordering question guide How do I create an Ordering question in New Quizzes?. There are a few existing Canvas Feature Ideas that you may want to follow, bookmark, and add your feedback and vote to Partial Credit for all New quizzes question typesNew Quizzes-Partial Credit, and Partial credit for ANY questions with multiple parts!.

I also checked your institution and you should be able to get in contact with Canvas Support using the phone number, or chat link found in the Help menu item in the Global Navigation Menu as is shown here How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor? 

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