printing out on line answers to test

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I have given my students an on line essay test.  I want to print out all of their answers, but my printer only prints out the first page, not all pages of their answers.  How do I fix that? 

1 Solution
Community Champion


If you used Essay questions in a Quiz there isn't a great way to do this, but I have a suggestion based on a process I just used this week to print out 250 essay submissions.

Go to the quiz and click Quiz Statistics.  Then click the Student Analysis button to generate and download a .csv file of all submissions.  At this point you'll have all of the essay answers in a .CSV file, but it's not the easiest to read them in Excel.  I then just used the mail merge feature within Word to generate a file with the student name, id number and essay responses.  The results for my situation worked quite well (grading scholarship essays).  


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