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Canvas Deploy Notes (2019-11-20)

Canvas Deploy Notes (2019-11-20)

Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features, but they do not affect customer workflows. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document. Intended changes in workflow are noted in the Canvas Release Notes published monthly.

Deploy notes include notable fixed bugs and additional updates that do not affect existing user functionality.

Deploy Notes Change Log

Interface Updates



New User Tutorial Collaborations Text Modification


For institutions using the New User Tutorial feature option, the Collaborations tutorial has been updated to display more general text.

Change Benefit

This change updates the tutorial to remove mentioning any specific collaboration tools.

Affected User Roles


For new instructors using the tutorials, the Collaborations tutorial sidebar has been updated to reflect a more general purpose for collaborations: “Provide a space for users to work on a single document simultaneously from within your Canvas course.”


Deprecation Alert


The Gradebook displays a deprecation alert notice notifying instructors that the existing Gradebook version will be replaced by an updated Gradebook on or before 18 January 2020.

Change Benefit

This change reminds instructors that the existing Gradebook will be updated or or before the end-of-life date.

Affected User Roles


Instructors using the existing Gradebook view a persistent notice at the top of the page about the New Gradebook. This notice is not obtrusive and does not prevent instructors from performing any actions in the Gradebook. The notice includes a link to the New Gradebook customer guide and helps users learn more about the New Gradebook.

If instructors are allowed to enable the New Gradebook for their course, they can do so at any time to remove the notification and update to the New Gradebook.

Gradebook deprecation message


External URL Module Items Link

Community Contribution:


External URL module items set to load in a new tab automatically display to students in a new browser tab.

Change Benefit

This change minimizes the number of clicks required to view an external URL module item.

Affected User Roles


When an external URL item is added to a module, and the Load in a New Tab checkbox is checked in the module item window, users who click the external URL in a module will view the URL in a new tab by default.

All Users

Any module item with the external URL icon indicating the link will open in a new window automatically displays in a new tab. Previously the link opened a new window that only displayed a button to view the external content. The button had to be clicked a second time to view the external content.

Fixed Bugs




Gray text in the groups page displays a color contrast of 3:1 for the default Canvas interface and 4.5:1 for high contrast profiles.


The Attendance tool is not currently supported in the beta environment.

Assignment Grade Edits

Attendance edits are updated in the Gradebook.

Explanation: When attendance had only been taken once per user, and an instructor edited the attendance for the day back to unmarked, the assignment’s score was not updated in the Gradebook as ungraded. Canvas code has been updated to update scores in the Gradebook to reflect attendance edits.

Attendance Report and Multiple Sections

The Attendance report displays section ID data to show which students are enrolled in multiple sections.

Explanation: When an instructor took attendance for a student enrolled in multiple sections, the attendance report did not reflect each student’s section, although the Attendance tool can be filtered by section. Canvas code has been updated to display separate attendance for each marked section in the attendance report. Additionally, the section includes a Section ID column.

Cross-listed Sections

Attendance data is displayed in attendance reports for cross-listed sections.

Explanation: When a user was added to two sections, and the user was later unenrolled from a section that was cross-listed into another section, the attendance report and the Attendance interface displayed different enrollment results as cross-listed enrollments were not included in reports. Canvas code has been updated to display cross-listed sections in attendance reports.


Submissions and Unpublished Assignments

Module assignments that have received submissions cannot be unpublished in the module.

Explanation: When an instructor opened the modules page before a submission was made to an assignment, the instructor was able to click the unpublish icon for the assignment. The assignment itself was not unpublished but the Modules page displayed the assignment as if it were unpublished. Canvas code has been updated to make the Modules page confirm if an assignment has received submissions before changing the display state of the assignment.


Not Graded Assignments and Mastery Results

Not Graded assignments associated with outcomes criteria display mastery results to students.

Explanation: When outcomes were used in a Not Graded assignment where an instructor included outcomes criteria, the results did not display for students unless the assignment was changed to a graded state and graded by the instructor. Canvas code has been updated to display mastery results for Not Graded assignments.


User Initials Display Order

When users do not have a profile image displayed in the People page, user initials are displayed 

Explanation: When a user did not have a profile image for their account, the People page displayed initials in place of the image based on sortable name. Canvas code has been updated to display initials based on the user’s display name.


Safari 13 Page Scrolling

Viewing a rubric does not affect page scrolling in Safari 13.

Explanation: When a user accessed Canvas in Safari 13, viewed an assignment page with a rubric, and scrolled down the page, the user was automatically returned to the top of the page. Canvas code has been updated to not allow a rubric to affect the position of a page in the Safari browser.

Deploy Notes Change Log



Removed—Fixed Bugs

  • Canvas Data: Data Source Update
  • New Analytics: Data Source Update

Added—Fixed Bugs

  • Canvas Data: Data Source Update
  • New Analytics: Data Source Update

Changed—Interface Updates

  • Gradebook: Deprecation Alert content, link, and image

Added—Interface Updates

  • Gradebook: Deprecation Alert
2019-11-08Deploy Notes Published

Change Log

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