Canvas Account Role Permissions
This document is for account role permissions; to view course role permissions, please visit the Canvas Course Role Permissions resource document.
This document is designed as a complete reference for the Permissions page in Canvas. This document specifically discusses account-level and sub-account-level permissions. Using the information in this document, you may be able to troubleshoot permissions-related questions from your users or create custom account-level roles for your account.
Permissions are listed alphabetically, matching the order in the Canvas UI. Each permission includes the following information:
- The default status (enabled/disabled) for default user roles in Canvas.
- A non-editable status is indicated by an asterisk*.
- A table indicating the main effect(s) of the permission, listed specifically in reference to Canvas features.
- An additional considerations table, if applicable. This includes information about cross-functionality with other permissions and course and/or account settings that may impact the permission.
Things to keep in mind when working with permissions and roles:
- At the account level, the only default role is Account Admin.
- You cannot change a permission that has a transparent checkmark or X without a button. These are permissions that are locked by default and cannot be modified by anyone.
- When you change a permission, it can sometimes take 30 minutes or longer for that permission to take effect. If the expected changes do not appear immediately, try again after some time has passed.
- Enabling a permission doesn’t take effect as quickly as disabling a permission.
- Admins who are given student or teacher (instructor) roles in a course may still be able to view admin features. To avoid permission conflicts, admins should create a separate account.
Sub-Account Permissions and Settings
The following permissions never apply to sub-accounts:
- Catalog - manage
- Users - act as
- Users - manage login details
- Users - manage observers
- SIS Data - import
- SIS Data - manage
- Developer Keys - manage
- Notifications - view
- Admin Tools - Logging (in Statistics - view)
The following Account Navigation links are never available in sub-accounts:
- Authentication
- Developer Keys
- SIS Imports
- Terms
Important: This document describes the content shown in the Permissions page sidebar and is subject to change. Updates are posted to the Canvas Permissions Updates document in the Canvas Community Admins group. If you find something that does not make sense or does not work as intended, please contact the Canvas support team.
Account-level settings - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ * |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to view and manage the Settings and Notifications tabs in Account Settings. |
Authentication |
Allows user to view and manage authentication options for the whole account. |
Subaccounts |
Allows user to view and manage subaccounts for the account. |
Terms |
Allows user to view and manage terms for the account. |
Theme Editor |
Allows user to access the Theme Editor. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Announcements |
The Announcements tab is always visible to admins; however, to manage announcements, Global Announcements - add / edit / delete must also be enabled. |
Feature Options (Account Settings) |
To manage the Feature Options tab, Feature Options - enable / disable must also be enabled. |
Reports (Account Settings) |
To view the Reports tab, Reports - manage must also be enabled. |
Subaccount Navigation (Account Settings) |
Not all settings options are available at the sub-account level, including the Notifications tab. |
Admin Analytics - view and export data
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Admin Analytics |
Allows user to view account analytics using Admin Analytics. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Analytics |
By default, the Admin Analytics - view and export data permission is enabled for other account roles which have the Grades - view all grades and Analytics - view pages permissions enabled. Newly added account roles do not have the Admin Analytics - view and export data permission enabled by default and must be enabled during the role creation process or later. |
Admins - add / remove
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ * |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to add and remove other account admins. |
Commons |
Allows user to access and edit the Admin settings in Commons. Allows user to create and manage Groups. Allows user to manage shared resources in the account. |
Alerts - add / edit / delete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings |
Allows user to configure alerts in Course Settings. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Account Settings |
This is an account setting that must be enabled by a Customer Success Manager. Alerts are a seldom-used feature designed to send an alert to students, teachers (instructors), or admins for specific triggers (e.g., no student-teacher interaction for 7 days). They are checked every day, and notifications will be sent to the student and/or the instructor until the triggering problem is resolved. |
Analytics - view pages
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Analytics (Account) |
Allows user to view account analytics. |
Analytics (Course) |
Allows user to view course analytics through the course dashboard. Allows user to view student analytics. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Analytics |
To view student analytics in course analytics, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Account Settings |
The analytics feature must be enabled in Account Settings to view analytics pages. To see the Analytics link in the user sidebar from the People page, Profiles must be disabled in your account. |
People (Course) |
To view student analytics, Users - view list and Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Analytics Hub
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Analytics Hub |
Allows user to open Analytics Hub, the central library of all things Data, Analytics and Insights. |
Announcements - view
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Announcements |
Allows user to view the Announcements link in Course Navigation. Allows user to view course announcements. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Announcements |
To view recent announcements on the home page, Course Content - view must be enabled, and the Show recent announcements on Course home page checkbox must be selected in Course Settings. To manage course announcements, Discussions - moderate must also be enabled. |
Global Announcements |
This permission only affects course announcements; to manage global announcements, Global Announcements - add / edit / delete must be enabled. |
Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to designate a course as a Blueprint Course. Allows user to manage Blueprint Course settings in Course Settings. Allows user to add and remove associated courses. Allows user to edit lock settings on individual assignments, pages, or discussions. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Blueprint Courses |
Course roles can only manage Blueprint Courses if they are added to the Blueprint Course as a teacher (instructor), TA, or designer role. To manage associated courses, Courses - view list and Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. To edit lock settings on files, Course Files - edit, Courses - manage / update and Course Files - edit must also be enabled. To edit lock settings on quizzes, Courses - manage / update and Assignments and Quizzes - manage / edit must also be enabled. |
Course Settings |
To manage lock settings for object types, Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. |
Catalog - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Catalog |
Allows user to access Admin settings in Catalog. Allows user to manage Catalog settings. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Catalog |
This permission is only available to institutions using Canvas Catalog. Catalog is an additional product that can be purchased through a Canvas Success Manager. |
Subaccount |
Not available at the sub-account level. |
Conversations - send messages to entire class
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Conversations |
Allows user to send a message to “All in [course name]”. Allows user to send a message to “All in [course group]”. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Conversations |
When enabled, users can only send messages to all users in courses and course groups, not to account groups. |
Conversations - send messages to individual course members
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Conversations |
Allows user to send messages to individual course members. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Conversations |
When disabled, students can still send individual messages to course teachers (instructors) and course TAs. Additionally, when disabled, students cannot send individual messages to students who belong to the same account-level groups. |
People (Course) |
To edit a user’s section, Users - allow administrative actions in courses and Users - view list must also be enabled. |
Course Calendar - add / edit / delete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Calendar |
Allows user to add, edit, and delete events in the course calendar. |
Scheduler |
Allows user to create and manage appointments on the calendar using Scheduler. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Calendar |
Regardless of whether this permission is enabled or disabled, users will still be able to manage events in their personal calendar. |
Scheduler |
Scheduler must be enabled for your account. |
Course Content - view
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Courses |
Allows user to view published and unpublished course content. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Undelete Courses) |
If Courses - manage / update and Courses - undelete are also enabled, an account-level user will be able to restore deleted courses in Admin Tools. |
Courses |
If Course Content - view is disabled, user will still have access to Course Settings. Users cannot manage individual course content without the appropriate permission for that content item. If course visibility is limited to users enrolled in the course, this permission allows the user to view course content without being enrolled in the course. |
Course Content |
To view Choose Home Page and Course Setup Checklist buttons, Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. (Teachers, designers, and TAs can set the home page of a course, regardless of their permissions.) |
Gradebook |
To view the Gradebook, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Courses - add
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Courses (Account) |
Allows user to add new courses to an account. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Account Settings |
To allow other users to create courses in an account, select the appropriate user role in the Account Settings page: teachers (instructors), students, and/or users with no enrollments. If this permission is enabled and Courses - view list is disabled, users can add a new course with the Add a New Course button in Account Settings. |
Courses - change visibility
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings |
Allows user to manage the Visibility options in Course Settings or when creating a new course. |
Courses - manage / update
Default Role Status
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to sync Blueprint Courses. Allows user to view Sync history. |
Courses (Account Navigation) |
Allows user to view and manage courses in the account. |
Course Home Page |
Allows user to view the Course Setup Checklist button. |
Course Settings (Course Details) |
Allows user to access the Navigation tab. Allows user to edit course image, name, course code, time zone, subaccount, term, and other options in Course Details tab. Allows user to access Student View (test student), Copy this Course, and Permanently Delete Course buttons. |
Student Context Cards |
Allows user to view student context cards in announcement and discussion replies. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Blueprint Courses |
If this permission is updated, but Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete is not enabled, users can still sync Blueprint Courses and view Sync history. |
Course Content |
To manage course content via UI or API, the Course Content - add / edit / delete must be enabled. To view Choose Home Page and Course Setup Checklist buttons, Course Content - view must also be enabled. (Teachers, designers, and TAs can set the home page of a course, regardless of their permissions.) |
Course Settings |
To cross-list a section, Manage Course Sections - edit must also be enabled. To edit the course SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Courses |
To access the Courses link in Account Navigation, Courses - view list must also be enabled. |
Grades |
To view grades in a course, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Student Context Cards |
Student context cards must be enabled for an account by an admin. If this permission is not enabled, users can still view context cards through the Gradebook. |
Courses - undelete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Admin Tools (Restore Courses tab) |
Allows user to access the Restore Courses tab in Admin Tools. (Not available at the subaccount level.) |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Restore Courses tab) |
To search for a course in the Restore Courses tab, Course Content - view must also be enabled. To restore a deleted course in an account, Manage Courses - delete and Course Content - view must also be enabled. |
Courses - view change logs
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Determines visibility of the Course Activity option in the Admin Tools Logging tab. Allows user to view course activity information for the account. |
Courses - view list
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to filter for blueprint courses at the account level. Allows user to add associated courses. |
Courses |
Allows user to see the list of courses in the account. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Account Settings |
If this permission is disabled and Courses - add is enabled, users can add a new course with the Add a New Course button in Account Settings. |
Blueprint Courses |
To add associated courses, Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - add must also be enabled. |
Statistics |
Allows user to see the list of recently started/ended courses in account statistics. |
Data Services - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Canvas Data Services |
Allows user to access and manage Canvas Data Services. |
Developer Keys - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Developer Keys |
Allows user to create developer keys for root accounts. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Developer Keys |
Required fields include key name, owner email, tool ID, redirect URL, and icon URL. |
Subaccounts |
Not available at the subaccount level. |
Discussions - create
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Discussions |
Allows user to add discussions in the Discussions page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Announcements |
To create announcements, Discussions - moderate must be enabled. |
Discussions |
To view discussions in a course, Discussions - view must be enabled. Both Discussions - create and Discussions - moderate allow the user to create a discussion in the Discussions page. To manage discussions, Discussions - moderate must also be enabled. |
Discussions - moderate
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Announcements |
Allows user to view the New Announcement button in the Home page. Allows user to add announcements in the Announcements page. |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to edit lock settings on the Discussions index page in a Blueprint master course. |
Discussions |
Allows user to add discussions in the Discussions page. Allows user to close for comments, move, pin/unpin, edit, and delete discussion topics in the Discussions page. Allows user to edit discussion topics. Allows user to view all replies within a discussion topic. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Announcements |
To view announcements, Announcements - view must be enabled. |
Blueprint Courses |
To edit lock settings on the Discussions index page, Courses - manage / update and and Discussions - view must also be enabled. If the additional permissions are enabled, but this permission is not enabled, lock settings can be edited on individual discussions. |
Discussions |
Both Discussions - create and Discussions - moderate allow the user to create a discussion in the Discussions page. If this permission is enabled, Discussions - create is not required. To view discussions in a course, Discussions - view must be enabled. To reply to a discussion, Discussions - post must be enabled. To edit a discussion, Discussions - moderate must be enabled. |
Discussions - post
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Discussions |
Allows user to reply to a discussion post. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Discussions |
To view discussions in a course, Discussions - view must be enabled. If the Users must post before seeing replies option is set for a discussion, users must post a reply to view all posts unless Discussions - moderate is also enabled. |
Discussions - view
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to edit content lock settings on individual discussions. |
Discussions |
Allows user to view the Discussions link in Course Navigation. Allows user to view course discussions. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Blueprint Courses |
To edit lock settings from the Discussions index page, Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. |
Commons |
To share a discussion to Commons, Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. |
Discussions |
To manage discussions, Discussions - moderate must also be enabled. To reply to a discussion, Discussions - post must also be enabled. |
Feature Options - enable / disable
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Feature Options (Account Settings) |
Allows user to manage Feature Options in Account Settings. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Feature Options |
To view Feature Options for an account, Feature Options - view must also be enabled. |
Feature Options - view
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Feature Options (Account Settings) |
Allows user to view Feature Options in Account Settings. |
Global Announcements - add / edit / delete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Announcements (Account) |
Allows user to add, edit, and delete global announcements. |
Grades - edit
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Allows user to search by course ID or assignment ID in grade change logs in Admin Tools. (Not available at the subaccount level.) |
Analytics |
Allows user to view student-specific data in Analytics. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view the course grading scheme. |
Discussions |
Allows user to like discussion posts when the Only Graders Can Like checkbox is selected. |
Gradebook |
Allows user to edit grades in the Gradebook. Allows user to access Gradebook History. Allows user to access the Learning Mastery Gradebook (if enabled). Allows user to post/hide course assignment grades. Allows user to manage course assignment grade posting policies. |
Grading Schemes |
Allows user to create and modify grading schemes. |
Quizzes |
Allows user to moderate a quiz and view the quiz statistics page. |
SpeedGrader |
Allows user to edit grades and add comments in SpeedGrader. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
To search grade change logs, Grades - view change logs must also be enabled. |
Analytics |
To view student analytics in course analytics, Analytics - view pages must also be enabled. |
Course Settings |
To edit course grading schemes, Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. |
Gradebook and SpeedGrader |
Gradebook and SpeedGrader will be inaccessible if both Grades - edit and Grades - view all grades are disabled. |
People (Course) |
To view student analytics, Users - view list and View analytics must also be enabled. |
Quizzes |
To moderate a quiz, Assignments and Quizzes - manage / edit must also be enabled. To view the user SIS ID column in the Quiz Item Analysis CSV file, SIS Data - read must also be enabled. To view the submission log, Quizzes - view submission log must also be enabled. |
Grades - Select final grade for moderation
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Grades |
Allows user to select final grade for moderated assignments. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Assignments |
To add students to a moderation set, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Grades |
To publish grades for a moderated assignment, Grades - edit must also be enabled. |
SpeedGrader |
To review a moderated assignment in SpeedGrader, Grades - edit must also be enabled. |
Grades - view all grades
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Allows user to search by assignment ID in grade change logs. (Not available at the subaccount level.) |
Analytics |
Allows user to view student-specific data in Analytics. |
Assignments, SpeedGrader |
Allows user to view a link to SpeedGrader from assignments. |
Gradebook |
Allows user to export the Gradebook to a comma separated values (CSV) file. Allows user to access the Learning Mastery Gradebook (if enabled). |
Grades |
Allows user to view student Grades pages. |
Modules |
Allows user to access the Student Progress page. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to view analytics link in the user settings menu. |
Quizzes |
Allows user to view student results, view quiz statistics, and access a quiz in SpeedGrader. |
Rubrics, SpeedGrader |
Allows user to view grader comments on a rubric in SpeedGrader. |
Student Context Card |
Adds analytics to a student’s context card. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Grade Change Logs) |
To search grade change logs, Grades - view change logs must also be enabled. |
Analytics |
To view student analytics, Analytics - view pages must also be enabled. |
Courses |
To view published and unpublished course content. |
Gradebook |
To view the Gradebook, Course Content - view must also be enabled. If both Grades - edit and Grades - view all grades are disabled, Gradebook will be hidden from Course Navigation.. |
Grades |
To post or hide grades, Grades - edit must also be enabled. |
Modules |
To view module progression, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Reports |
To access the Student Interactions report, Reports - manage must also be enabled. |
Student Context Card |
Student Context Cards must be enabled for an account by an admin. |
Grades - View audit trail
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Grades |
Allows user to review an audit trail in assignments, both moderated and anonymous. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Grades |
To moderate grades, Grades - Select final grade for moderation must also be enabled. To post or hide grades for an assignment, Grades - edit must also be enabled. |
Grades - view change logs
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Determines visibility of the Grade Change Activity option in the Admin Tools Logging tab. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
To search by grader or student ID, Users - view list must also be enabled. To search by course ID or assignment ID, Grades - edit must also be enabled. To search by assignment ID only, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Groups - view all student groups
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Groups |
Allows user to view the group home pages of all student groups. Allows students to access other student groups within a group set with a direct link. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Groups |
By default students are able to create groups; to restrict students from creating groups, do not select the Let students organize their own groups checkbox in Course Settings. |
Impact - Manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Impact - Manage |
Allows an account administrator to manage the Impact service integration. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Impact |
Impact is an add-on to Canvas LMS. Contact your CSM if interested. |
Item Banks - manage account
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Item Banks |
Allows user to view and manage all item banks in the account. Allows user to share any item bank with the entire institution's account. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Item Banks |
If this permission is not enabled, users can only view item banks created by them or shared with them. When a user with an admin role is granted this permission, item banks created by any user in the account display in the Account and Course Item Banks pages and can be managed by the admin. |
Item Banks - share with subaccounts
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Item Banks |
Allows a user to manage sharing of item banks with subaccounts.
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Item Banks |
If this permission is disabled, users cannot share item banks to subaccounts. When a user with an admin role is granted this permission, the user can share item banks to subaccounts they administer.
Learning Outcomes - add / edit / delete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Outcomes |
Determines visibility and management of the Outcomes link in Account Navigation. Allows user to view the Outcomes Manage tab at the account and course levels. Allows user to create, edit, and delete outcomes and outcome groups at the account and course levels. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Feature Options |
If the Account and Course Level Outcome Mastery Scales feature option is enabled, the Manage tab displays an updated interface. Additionally, the Outcomes page will display two additional tabs that decouple mastery scales and proficiency calculations from outcomes management. Access to these tabs requires the Outcome Proficiency Calculations - add / edit and Outcome Mastery Scales - add / edit permissions. |
Outcomes |
To allow the Course Outcomes page as read-only, this permission can be disabled but Course Content - view must be enabled. To import learning outcomes, Learning Outcomes - import must also be enabled. |
Learning Outcomes - import
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Outcomes (Account/Course) |
Allows user to import learning outcomes. |
Manage Assignments and Quizzes - add / delete / edit
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Additional Considerations - All Permissions
Feature |
Related Information |
Assignments |
To access the Assignments Index Page, Course Content - view must be enabled. |
Discussions |
These permissions do not manage Discussions. Discussions are managed via individual Discussion permissions. |
Item Banks |
To access item banks for a course or account, Item Banks - manage account must also be enabled. |
Assignments and Quizzes - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Assignments |
Allows user to add assignments in a course. Allows user to add assignment groups in a course. Allows user to duplicate assignments in a course. |
Modules |
Allows user to add new assignments to a module. |
Item Banks |
Allows user to add new question banks to a course or account. Allows user to add new questions to new or existing question banks in a course or account. |
Quizzes |
Allows user to add quizzes in a course. Allows user to duplicate quizzes in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Assignments |
To differentiate assignments to individual students, Users - view list must also be enabled. |
Course Settings |
To import assignments and quizzes using the Course Import Tool, Course Content - add must be enabled. |
Rubrics |
Disabling this permission will override (if enabled) the Rubrics - add / edit / delete permission, preventing user from creating rubrics for an individual assignment. |
Assignments and Quizzes - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Assignments |
Allows user to delete assignments in a course. Allows user to delete assignment groups in a course. |
Quizzes |
Allows user to delete quizzes in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Rubrics |
Disabling this permission will override (if enabled) the Rubrics - add / edit / delete permission, preventing user from deleting rubrics for an individual assignment. |
Assignments and Quizzes - edit
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Assignments |
Allows user to edit and publish/unpublish assignments. Allows user to manage assignment settings. |
Commons |
Allows user to share an assignment to Commons. Allows user to share a quiz to Commons. |
Quizzes |
Allows user to edit lock settings on the Assignments and Quizzes index pages. Allows user to edit and publish/unpublish quizzes. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Assignments |
To edit assignments, Assignments and Quizzes - manage / edit must also be enabled. To manage moderated grading, Grades - Select final grade for moderation must also be enabled. |
Blueprint Courses |
To edit lock settings from the Assignments index page, Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - manage must also be enabled. If Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - manage are enabled, but this permission is not enabled, blueprint lock settings for an assignment can be managed from the assignment’s details page. |
Quizzes |
To edit quizzes, Assignments and Quizzes - manage / edit must also be enabled. To moderate a quiz, Grades - edit must also be enabled. To edit lock settings on an individual quiz, or on the Quizzes index page, Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - manage must also be enabled. |
Rubrics |
Disabling this permission will override (if enabled) the Rubrics - add / edit / delete permission, preventing users from editing rubrics from an individual assignment. |
Manage Account Calendars
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Calendars - add / edit / delete events |
Allows user to add, edit, and delete events in account calendars. |
Account Calendars - change visibility
Allows user to change visibility of account calendars. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Account Calendars |
Even with the Account Calendars - add / edit / delete events permission enabled, events can only be created in account calendars that are visible. |
Manage Course Content - add / edit / delete
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Additional Considerations - All Permissions
Feature |
Related Information |
Attendance |
The Attendance tool must be enabled by your Canvas admin. |
Chat |
The Chat tool must be enabled by your Canvas admin. |
Commons |
To share a Discussion to Commons, Discussions - view must also be enabled. |
Course Home Page |
Teachers (instructors), designers, and TAs can select a course home page without the Course content - add / edit / delete permission. |
Course Pacing |
Course Pacing feature preview must be enabled for your institution. |
Course Settings |
The Course Status buttons (unpublished and published) only display until a student submission is received. Courses with student submissions cannot be unpublished. |
Modules |
Module items which have student submissions cannot be unpublished. |
Course Content - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Assignments |
Allows user to create blackout dates. |
Calendar |
Allows user to add events to Calendar List View Dashboard via the Add to Student To-Do checkbox. |
Commons |
Allows user to import resources from Commons into a course. |
Course Pacing |
Allows user to create a course pace via Course Pacing. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to share course items directly with other users. Allows user to copy individual course items to another course. Allows user to view course copy status. Allows user to create content migrations. Allows user to import content using the Course Import Tool. |
Discussions |
Allows user to add non-graded discussions to List View Dashboard via the Add to Student To-Do checkbox. |
Modules |
Allows user to create, add items, and duplicate modules. |
Pages |
Allows user to add pages to List View Dashboard via the Add to Student To-Do checkbox. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Commons |
To share a Discussion to Commons, Discussions - view must also be enabled. |
Course Pacing |
Course Pacing feature preview must be enabled in your institution. |
Course Content - edit
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Announcements |
Allows user to lock / unlock selected announcements individually or in bulk. |
Assignments |
Allows user to edit a list of assignment blackout dates. |
Commons |
Allows user to share assignments to Commons or edit previously shared content. |
Conferences |
Allows user to edit Conferences. |
Collaborations |
Allows user to edit title and description on all collaborations. |
Course Pacing |
Allows user to edit and publish a course pace via Course Pacing. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to edit to-do date on a course Page that supports it. Allows user to edit content migrations. Allows user to edit course tabs. |
Modules |
Allows user to update modules (edit module settings, publish, unpublish, batch edit). |
Syllabus |
Allows user to edit the course syllabus. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Commons |
To share a Discussion to Commons, Discussions - view must also be enabled. |
Course Home Page |
Teachers (instructors), designers, and TAs can select a course home page without the Course content - add / edit / delete permission. |
Course Pacing |
Course Pacing feature preview must be enabled in your institution. |
Course Settings |
The Course Status buttons (unpublished and published) are only displayed until a student submission is received. Courses cannot be unpublished with student submissions. |
Modules |
Module items cannot be unpublished if there are student submissions. |
Course Content - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Announcements |
Allows user to have full section visibility when viewing announcements. Allows user to view or retrieve a list of assignment blackout dates. |
Attendance |
Allows user to access the Attendance tool. |
Chat |
Allows user to access the Chat tool. |
Collaborations |
Allows user to view previously created collaborations. |
Conferences |
Allows user to view course Conferences. |
Course Pacing |
Allows user to view and list course paces via Course Pacing. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view Course Status, Choose Home Page, and Course Setup Checklist buttons in the Home page. Allows user to view and list content migrations. Allows user to view a content migration content list by type. Allows user to view a content migration notice to an "import in progress". Allows user to view and initiate course link validation. |
Syllabus |
Allows user access to LTI sub navigation tool selection for assignment syllabus configuration. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Attendance |
The Attendance tool must be enabled by your Canvas admin. |
Chat |
The Chat tool must be enabled by your Canvas admin. |
Course Home Page |
Teachers (instructors), designers, and TAs can select a course home page without the Course content - add / edit / delete permission. |
Course Pacing |
Course Pacing feature preview must be enabled in your institution. |
Manage Course Files - add / delete / edit
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Additional Considerations - All Permissions
Feature |
Related Information |
Course Files |
If one or all permissions are disabled, user can still view and download files into a zip file. |
Course Files - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Files |
Allows user to add course files and folders. Allows user to import a zip file. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Course Settings |
To import files using the Course Import Tool, Course Content - add / edit / delete must be enabled. |
Course Files - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Files |
Allows user to delete course files and folders. |
Course Files - edit
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to edit Blueprint Course lock settings on the Files page. |
Course Files |
Allows user to edit course files and folders. Allows user to download files into a zip file, import a zip file, and lock/unlock files. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Blueprint Courses |
To edit lock settings for course files, Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. |
Manage Course Sections - add / delete / edit
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Additional Considerations - All Permissions
Feature |
Related Information |
Course Settings (Sections tab) |
To cross-list sections, Course Sections - edit and Courses - manage / update must also be enabled. |
Course Sections - Add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings (Sections tab) |
Allows user to add course sections. |
Course Sections - Delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings (Sections tab) |
Allows user to delete course sections. Allows user to delete a user from a course section. |
Course Sections - Edit
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings (Sections tab) |
Allows user to rename course sections. Allows user to change start and end dates for course sections. Allows user to cross-list sections. |
Manage Course Templates - create / delete / edit
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Additional Considerations - All Permissions
Feature |
Related Information |
Account Settings |
To access the Account Settings tab, Account-level settings - manage must also be enabled. |
Course Templates - create
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to set a template for an account. Allows user to view names of course templates in the root account. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to select a course as a course template in Course Settings. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses |
To create a new course to use as a course template, Courses - add must also be enabled. |
Course Templates - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to set an account to not use a template. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to remove a course as a course template in Course Settings. |
Course Templates - edit
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to change the template being used by an account. Allows user to view names of course templates in the root account. |
Manage Courses - conclude / delete / publish / reset
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Additional Considerations - All Permissions
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account Navigation) |
To access the Courses link in Account Navigation, Courses - view list must be enabled. To add a course, Courses - add must also be enabled. |
Courses - conclude
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view the Conclude Course button. |
Courses - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view the Delete this Course button. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Restore Courses tab) |
To restore a deleted course, Courses - undelete and Course Content - view must also both be enabled. |
Courses - publish
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Home Page |
Allows user to view the Publish Course and Unpublish Course buttons in the Course Home page. |
Dashboard |
Allows user to view the Publish button in a course card for an unpublished course (Card View Dashboard). |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Course Settings |
Affects viewing the Permanently Delete this Course button, which only appears for manually created courses. |
Modules |
The Courses - publish permission allows the user to publish courses that do not contain modules. To publish/unpublish module content, Course Content - edit must be enabled. |
Courses - reset
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view the Reset Course Content button. |
Additional Considerations
Features |
Related Information |
Course Settings |
The Courses - Reset permission resets course content for both manually created and SIS-managed courses. (For SIS-managed courses, the SIS Data - manage permission does not apply.) |
Manage Groups - add / delete / manage
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Groups - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to create account groups. Allows user to add group members to account groups. |
Assignments (Course) |
Allows user to add a group for a group assignment in a course. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to create course groups. Allows user to create course groups created by students. Allows user to add students to groups. Allows users to import groups in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Account) |
To add account level groups via CSV, SIS Data - import must also be enabled. |
Groups - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to delete account groups. Allows user to remove group members from account groups. Allows user to move group members to another group in an account. Allows user to assign a student group leader in an account. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to delete course groups. Allows user to delete course groups created by students. Allows user to remove students from course groups. Allows user to move group members to another group in a course. Allows user to assign a student group leader in a course. |
Groups - manage
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to edit account groups. Allows user to view the Clone Group Set button for an account group. Allows user to randomly assign users to an account group. Allows user to add users to an account group. Allows user to move group members to another group in an account. Allows user to assign a student group leader in an account. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to edit course groups. Allows user to edit course groups created by students. Allows user to view the Clone Group Set button for a course group. Allows user to randomly assign users to a course group. Allows user to add users to a course group. Allows user to remove students from course groups. Allows user to move group members to another group in a course. Allows user to assign a student group leader in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Account) |
If this permission is disabled, at the account level, the user cannot view any existing account groups. At the course level, the user can view, but not access, any existing groups, including groups created by students. To view account groups, Users - view list must also be enabled. |
People (Course) |
To view all student groups in a course, Groups - view all student groups must also be enabled. By default, students can always create groups in a course. To restrict students from creating groups, Courses - manage / update must be enabled, and the Let students organize their own groups checkbox in Course Settings must not be selected. To access the People page and view course groups, Users - view list must also be enabled. |
Manage LTI - add / delete / edit
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission. Allows users to use the Manage App List button on the External Apps page to manually add, delete, or edit configurations for manually added external apps.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
LTI - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to manually add an app in Account Settings. Allows user to add external app icons to the Rich Content Editor toolbar. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to manually add an app in Course Settings. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
External Apps |
If this permission is disabled, users can still install approved apps through the Canvas App Center (if enabled for your institution). However, if LTI - delete is not enabled, they cannot delete manually added external apps. |
LTI - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Settings |
Allows user to manually delete an app in Account Settings. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to manually delete an app in Course Settings. |
LTI - edit
Features Affected |
What it Does |
External Apps |
Allows user to edit configurations for manually added external apps. |
Manage Pages - create / delete / update
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Pages - create
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Pages |
Allows user to create pages in a course. |
Pages - delete
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Pages |
Allows user to delete pages. |
Pages - update
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Blueprint Courses |
Allows user to edit lock settings in the Pages index page and for an individual page in a Blueprint master course. |
Pages |
Allows user to edit course pages. Allows user to define users allowed to edit the page. Allows user to add page to student to-do list. Allows user to publish and unpublish pages. Allows user to view page history and set front page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Blueprint Courses |
Blueprint courses must be enabled for an account by an admin. To edit lock settings on the Pages index page, Blueprint Courses - add / edit / associate / delete and Courses - manage / update. However, if these additional permissions are enabled, but the Pages - Update permission is not enabled, the user can still adjust content lock settings on individual pages in a Blueprint Master Course. |
Pages |
Students can edit and view page history if allowed in the options for an individual page. |
Outcome Proficiency Calculations - add / edit
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Outcomes |
Allows user to view the Outcomes Calculation tab and set outcome proficiency calculations at the account and course levels. |
Additional Considerations
Features |
Related Information |
Feature Options |
This permission requires the Account and Course Level Outcome Mastery Scales feature option, which must be enabled by a Customer Success Manager. This feature affects existing data for an entire account. |
Outcomes |
If the feature option is enabled, and this permission is enabled, the Outcomes page includes three tabs: Manage, Mastery, and Calculation. To access the Mastery tab, the Outcome Mastery Scales - add / edit permission must also be enabled. To access the Manage tab, the Learning Outcomes - add / edit / delete permission must also be enabled. |
Outcome Mastery Scales - add / edit
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Outcomes |
Allows user to view the Outcomes Mastery tab and set outcome mastery scales at the account and course levels. |
Additional Considerations
Features |
Related Information |
Feature Options |
This permission requires the Account and Course Level Outcome Mastery Scales feature option, which must be enabled by a Customer Success Manager. This feature affects existing data for an entire account. |
Outcomes |
If the feature option is enabled, and this permission is enabled, the Outcomes page includes three tabs: Manage, Mastery, and Calculation. To access the Calculation tab, the Outcome Proficiency Calculations - add / edit permission must also be enabled. To access the Manage tab, the Learning Outcomes - add / edit / delete permission must also be enabled. |
Rubrics |
If this permission is enabled, the Learning Mastery tab displays on the Outcomes page instead of the Rubrics page. |
Permissions - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ * |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Permissions |
Allows user to view and manage permissions. |
Question banks - view and link
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Question Banks |
Allows user to view and link questions in a quiz to account-level question banks. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Quizzes and Question Banks |
To access the Manage Question Banks link in a course Quizzes Index Page, Course content - view and Assignments and Quizzes - manage / edit must also be enabled. |
Quizzes - view submission log
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Quizzes |
Allows user to view student quiz logs. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Grades |
Grades - edit must also be enabled. |
Quizzes |
The Quiz Log Auditing feature option must be enabled in Course Settings. |
Reports - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Reports |
Allows user to view and configure reports in Account Settings. Allows user to view Access Reports. Allows user to view last activity and total activity information on the People page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
To view Last Activity and Total Activity information on the Course People page, Users - view list must also be enabled. To access a Course People page, Users - view list must also be enabled. |
Reports (Course) |
To access the Student Interactions report, Grades - view all grades must also be enabled. |
Rubrics - add / edit / delete
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Rubrics |
Determines visibility and management of Rubrics link in Account Navigation. Allows user to view the Rubrics link in Course Navigation. Allows user to create, edit, and delete rubrics. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Rubrics |
Users can access and create (but not edit) individual assignment rubrics through Assignments when Course Content - view and Assignments and Quizzes - add are enabled. |
SIS Data - import
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Navigation |
Determines visibility and management of SIS Import link in Account Navigation. |
SIS Import |
Allows user to import SIS data. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
SIS Import |
To manage SIS data, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Subaccounts |
Not available at the subaccount level. |
SIS Data - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Navigation |
Determines visibility of SIS Import link in Account Navigation. Allows user to view the previous SIS import dates, errors, and imported items. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to edit the course SIS ID. |
People (Account) |
Allows user to view and edit the SIS ID and Integration ID in a user’s Login Details |
People (Course) |
Allows user to view, add, and remove course enrollments via SIS ID. |
Subaccount Settings |
Allows user to view and insert data in the SIS ID field. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Course Settings |
To edit course settings, Courses - manage / update must be enabled. |
People (Account) |
To view or edit a user’s SIS ID or Integration ID, Users - view list and Users - manage login details for users must also both be enabled. |
People (Course) |
If this permission is enabled, users do not need the SIS Data - read permission enabled. The account permission overrides the course permission. To disallow users from managing SIS IDs at the course level, SIS Data - manage and SIS Data - read must both be disabled. To add or remove users to a course, the appropriate Users permission must be enabled (e.g. Users - Teachers). |
SIS Import |
To import SIS data, SIS Data - import must also be enabled. |
Subaccounts |
Not available at the subaccount level. |
SIS Data - read
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Governs account-related SIS IDs (i.e., subaccount SIS ID). |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view a course’s SIS ID. |
People (Account) |
Allows user to view the SIS ID in a user’s login details. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to view user SIS IDs in a course People page. |
Quizzes |
Allows user to view the user SIS ID column in Quiz Item Analysis CSV file. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Account and Subaccount |
Users and terms are located at the root account, so the SIS endpoint always confirms the user’s permissions according to root account. Subaccounts only have ownership of courses and sections; they do not own user data. Subaccount admins are not able to view SIS information unless they are also granted an instructor role in a course. Subaccount admins cannot view SIS information without the course association, as the instructor role has permission to read SIS data at the account level. |
People (Account) |
To view a user’s login details, Users - view list and Users - manage login details must also both be enabled. |
People (Course) |
To view the list of users in the course, Users - view list must also be enabled. To add or remove users to a course, the appropriate Users permission must be enabled (e.g. Users - Teachers). |
SIS Import |
To manage SIS data, SIS Data - manage must be enabled. If SIS Data - manage is enabled and SIS Data - read is disabled, the account permission overrides the course permission. If SIS Data - manage is disabled and SIS Data - read is enabled, users can only view course, user, and subaccount SIS IDs. To disallow users from viewing any SIS IDs at the course level, SIS Data - manage and SIS Data - read must both be disabled. |
Statistics - view
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Statistics |
Allows admin user to view account statistics. |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Allows user to generate login/logout activity report in Admin Tools. (Not available at the subaccount level.) |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
If Statistics - view or Users - manage login details is enabled, the user will be able to generate login/logout activity in Admin Tools. To hide the login/logout activity option in Admin Tools, both of these permissions need to be disabled. |
People (Account) |
To view user page views, Users - view list must also be enabled. |
Storage Quotas - manage
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Quotas (Account Settings) |
Allows user to view and manage Quotas tab in account settings. User can set default course, user, and group storage quotes. |
Student Collaborations - create
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Collaborations |
Allows user to create collaborations. Allows user to view, edit, and delete collaborations they created. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Collaborations |
To allow edit/delete functionality of collaborations created by other users, Course Content - edit and Course Content - delete must also be enabled. If Course Content - add / edit / delete is enabled and Student Collaborations - create is disabled, the user will not be able to create new collaborations but will be able to edit and delete all collaborations. To add students to a collaboration, Users - view list must also be enabled. To add a course group to a collaboration, Groups - add must also be enabled. |
Submission - Submit on behalf of student
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✖️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Submissions |
Allows instructors to submit a file upload assignment on behalf of a student in the Gradebook. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Submissions |
Submissions includes a timestamp and who submitted the assignment. Additionally, the instructor can submit multiple files at a time for a single student and submit beyond the availability date. |
Users - act as
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to act as other users in the account. This permission should only be assigned to users that your institution has authorized to act as other users in your entire Canvas account. Users with this permission may be able to use the Act as feature to manage account settings, view and adjust grades, access user information, etc. This permissions also allows admins designated to a sub-account to access settings and information outside of their sub-account. |
SpeedGrader |
Allows user to delete a submission file. |
Student Context Card |
Allows a user to access the Act as User link on student context cards. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
The Roles API refers to this permission as become_user. |
People (Account) |
To view the list of users in an account, Users - view list must be enabled. |
Student Context Card |
Student Context Cards must be enabled for an account by an admin. |
Subaccounts |
Not available at the subaccount level. |
Users - Designers
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Designers - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Courses (Account) |
Allows user to add designers to a course from the account Courses page. Allows user to add designers to a course. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to add designers to a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add designers to a course from the Courses page via email address or login ID even if a designer does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. To access the account Courses page, Courses - view list must be enabled. |
People (Course) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add designers to a course from the People page via email address or login ID even if a designer does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Designers - remove
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to remove designers from a course. Allows user to deactivate designers in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins with the SIS Data - manage permission can remove the enrollment from a course. To remove a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Users - Students
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Students - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Courses (Account) |
Allows user to add students to a course from the account Courses page. Allows user to add students to a course. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to add students to a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add students to a course from the Courses page via email address or login ID even if a student does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. To access the account Courses page, Courses - view list must be enabled. |
People (Course) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add students to a course from the People page via email address or login ID even if a student does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Students - remove
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to remove students from a course. Allows user to deactivate students in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins with the SIS Data - manage permission can remove the enrollment from a course. To remove a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Users - Observers
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Observers - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Courses (Account) |
Allows user to add observers to a course from the account Courses page. Allows user to add observers to a course. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to add observers to a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add observers to a course from the Courses page via email address or login ID even if an observer does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. To access the account Courses page, Courses - view list must be enabled. |
People (Course) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add observers to a course from the People page via email address or login ID even if an observer does not already have a Canvas account. To add observers via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Observers - remove
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to remove observers from a course. Allows user to deactivate observers in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins with the SIS Data - manage permission can remove the enrollment from a course. To remove a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Users - TAs
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
TAs - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account (Course) |
Allows user to add TAs to a course from the account Courses page. Allows user to add TAs to a course. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to add TAs in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add TAs to a course from the Courses page via email address or login ID even if a TA does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. To access the account Courses page, Courses - view list must be enabled. |
People (Course) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add TAs to a course from the People page via email address or login ID even if a TA does not already have a Canvas account. To add TAs via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
TAs - remove
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to remove TAs from the course. Allows user to deactivate TAs in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins with the SIS Data - manage permission can remove the enrollment from a course. To remove a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Users - Teachers
This grouped permission provides the option to manage each granular permission individually or as an entire group. Default role status applies to the entire grouped permission.
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Teachers - add
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account (Course) |
Allows user to add teachers (instructors) to the course from the account Courses page. Allows user to add teachers (instructors) in the course. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to add teachers (instructors) in the course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add teachers (instructors) to a course from the Courses page via email address or login ID even if an instructor does not already have a Canvas account. To add a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. To access the account Courses page, Courses - view list must be enabled. |
People (Course) |
If the Open Registration account setting is enabled, users with this permission can add teachers (instructors) to a course from the People page via email address or login ID even if an instructor does not already have a Canvas account. To add teachers (instructors) via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Teachers - remove
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to remove teachers (instructors) from a course. Allows user to deactivate teachers (instructors) in a course. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins with the SIS Data - manage permission can remove the enrollment from a course. To remove a user via SIS ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. |
Users - Allow Administrative Actions in Courses
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to view login ID information for users. Allows user to view user details for course users. Allows user to edit a user’s section or role (if not added via SIS). |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Account) |
To add or remove users to a course, the appropriate Users permission must be enabled (e.g. Users - Teachers). To edit user details, modify login details, or change user passwords, Users - manage login details must also be enabled. |
People (Course) |
To add or remove users to a course, the appropriate Users permission must be enabled (e.g. Users - Teachers). To view SIS IDs, SIS Data - read must be enabled. To edit a user’s section, Conversations - send to individual course members must be enabled. |
Observers (Course) |
To add or remove an observer to a course, the Users - Observers permission must be enabled. To link an observer to a student, Users - manage login details and Conversations - send to individual course members must be enabled. To generate a pairing code on behalf of a student to share with an observer, Users - Generate observer pairing code for students must also be enabled. |
Users - Manage Students in Courses
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to view login ID information for students. Allows user to view prior enrollments. Allows user to access a user’s settings menu and user details. Allows user to edit a student’s section or role. Allows user to resend course invitations from the Course People page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Courses (Account) |
To access the account Courses page, Courses - view list must be enabled. |
People (Course) |
To add or remove a student to or from a course, the Users - Student permission must be enabled. To view the list of users in the course, Users - view list must be enabled. To view SIS IDs, SIS Data - read must be enabled. To edit a student’s section, Conversations - send to individual course members must also be enabled. |
Users - Generate observer pairing code for students
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Course) |
Allows user to generate a pairing code on behalf of a student to share with an observer. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Course) |
To generate a pairing code from a student's User Settings page, the User - act as permission must also be enabled. To generate a pairing code from a student's User Details page, the Users - allow administrative actions in courses permission must also be enabled. Pairing codes are only supported when self registration is enabled for the account. QR codes are not the same as pairing codes and are only used to help users log into their own accounts via the Canvas mobile apps. To disable QR code logins for all users in your account, please contact your Customer Success Manager. |
Users - manage login details
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to create accounts for new users. Allows user to remove and merge users in an account. Allows user to modify user account details. Allows user to view and modify login information for a user. |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Allows user to generate login/logout activity report in Admin Tools (not available at the subaccount level.) |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
If Statistics - view or Users - manage login details is enabled, the user will be able to generate login/logout activity in Admin Tools. To hide the login/logout activity option in Admin Tools, both of these permissions need to be disabled. |
People (Account) |
To view users and user account details, Users - view list must be enabled. To change user passwords, Users - view list must also be enabled. To view a user’s SIS ID, SIS Data - manage or SIS Data - read must also be enabled. To view a user’s Integration ID, SIS Data - manage must also be enabled. To merge users, the Self Service User Merge feature option must also be enabled. |
People (Course) |
To add or remove users to a course, the appropriate Users permission must be enabled (e.g. Users - Teachers). |
Subaccounts |
Not available at the subaccount level. |
Users - manage observers
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to manage observers associated with students in the account. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Subaccounts |
Not available at the subaccount level. |
Users - moderate content
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
ePortfolios |
Allows user to view ePortfolio Moderation link in Account Settings. Allows user to moderate ePortfolios for the account. |
Users - view list
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Account Navigation |
Allows user to access the People link in Account Navigation. |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
Allows user to view login/logout activity of users in Admin Tools. Allows user to search grade change logs by grader or student in Admin Tools. (Not available at the subaccount level.) |
Assignments |
Allows user to differentiate assignments to individual students. |
Collaborations |
Allows user to view and add users in a collaboration. |
Conversations |
Allows user to send a message in Conversations without selecting a course. |
Course Navigation |
Allows user to view the People link in Course Navigation. |
Course Settings |
Allows user to view enrollments on the Sections tab. |
Groups (Course) |
Allows user to view groups in a course. |
People (Account) |
Allows user to view list of users in the account. |
People (Course) |
Allows user to view list of users in the course People page. Allows user to view the Prior Enrollments button in the course People page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Account Groups |
To view account-level groups, Groups - manage must also be enabled. |
Admin Tools (Logging tab) |
To generate login/logout activity in Admin Tools, Users - manage login details or Statistics - view must also be enabled. To generate grade change logs in Admin Tools, Grades - view change logs must also be enabled. |
Courses |
To add or remove users to a course, the appropriate Users permission must be enabled (e.g. Users - Teachers). |
Groups |
To add a group, Manage Groups - add must also be enabled. To delete a group, Manage Groups - delete must also be enabled. To edit a group, Manage Groups - manage must also be enabled. |
People (Account) |
To edit user details, modify login details, or change user passwords, Users - manage login details must also be enabled. To view user page views, Statistics - view must also be enabled. To act as other users, Users - act as must also be enabled. |
People (Course) |
To edit a user’s section, the appropriate Users permission (e.g. Users - Teachers), Users - allow administrative actions in courses, and Conversations - send to individual course members must also be enabled. |
Users - view login IDs
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account/Course) |
Allows user to search for other users by Login ID in the account People page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Account, Course) |
To access the People page, Users - view list must be enabled. If this permission is enabled, and if Users - view primary email address is disabled, users will see email addresses used as login IDs. To view login IDs, Users - allow administrative actions in courses must also be enabled. |
Users - view primary email address
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
People (Account) |
Allows user to search for account users via primary email address in the account People page. Allows user to search for other users via primary email address in a course People page. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
People (Account) |
To view the account People page, Users - view list must be enabled. If this permission is disabled, and Users - view login IDs is enabled, users will still see email addresses used as login IDs. |
Web Conferences - create
Default Role Status
Account Admin |
✔️ |
Features Affected |
What it Does |
Conferences |
Allows user to create new conferences in courses and groups. Allows user to start conferences they created. |
Additional Considerations
Feature |
Related Information |
Conferences |
To allow full management of conferences created by the user or others, Course Content - add / edit / delete must also be enabled. To end a long-running conference, Course Content - edit must also be enabled. If Course Content - add / edit / delete is enabled and Web Conferences - create is disabled, the user can still manage conferences. |
Last update: 2022-12-16
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