Canvas Theme Editor Image Templates

This document discusses tips and guidelines to follow when branding Canvas UI for an institution via the Theme Editor. 

This document is intended for admins who need to brand their Canvas UI using the Theme Editor and walks through the various file uploads available in the Theme Editor using an institution’s logo. These guidelines will present the optimal size for each image in Theme Editor—along with some helpful image-creation details—so you can get your Canvas installation looking amazing in no time.

If your institution is lucky enough to have a marketing or branding team with an on-staff graphic or web designer, we strongly recommend you collaborate with that person for Canvas branding. You’ll get great results and have to do less work—yay! A design professional will also ensure you’re not violating any brand guidelines.

The template files provided in this document were created in Photoshop. If you do not have access to Photoshop, you can use any image software program to create your own files based on the ideal image sizes included in each step. 

Vector vs Bitmap Graphics

Before you can upload your institution’s logo, you’ll need to obtain a high-resolution copy to use in the Theme Editor. Ideally, you should use a vector logo image rather than a bitmap logo image.

  • Vector images usually end in .ai, .eps, or  .svg. Because they’re based on paths, not pixels, vector images resize crisply to any size. Vector images can be dragged or pasted into image editing software like Illustrator, Photoshop, and Sketch. They can then be resized with no loss of sharpness. To maintain the aspect ratio, open the image in a relevant program and hold down the Shift key. For use in the Theme Editor, vector files must be saved in the .svg format. 
  • Bitmap images usually end in .jpg, .png, or .gif. They are comprised of a set number of pixels. If you resize them (especially when they’re enlarged), they often end up looking blurry.

If there is no way you can get a vector version of your institution’s logo, just try to get the largest bitmap version possible—anything over 1,000 pixels wide should work just fine. The most optimal bitmap file type is a PNG file (.png), as they are designed for the web and retain the best quality. They also resize well and support transparent backgrounds.

Image Uploads

Once you have obtained your image, you can upload your file to various areas in the Theme Editor. 

Nav Logo



Logo at the top of the Global Navigation Menu (supports svg, png, and jpg files)

Recommended size: 200 x 200 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG

Hot tips:

  • When you create the file, leave some padding (at least 10–20px) or so around the logo image. Otherwise, it will look squished against the sides of the primary navigation.

Download Nav Logo sample file

Download Nav Logo Photoshop template





Light background image that appears behind page content; display size is subjective based on uploaded file size

Recommended size: 400 x 400 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG

Hot tips:

  • Just like a watermark on writing paper, our watermark image is intended to be a subtle branding element (we recommend your image not contrast too much with Canvas’ white background) that is often covered by other Canvas elements.
  • The watermark is completely optional. Don’t feel like you have to use it if you don’t have access to an image that fits the bill.

Download Watermark sample file

Download Watermark Photoshop template





Small icon shown in the browser tab

Recommended size: 48 x 48 pixels

Recommended file export type: Export from Photoshop as a PNG, then visit a site like to create the .ICO file.

Download Favicon sample file

Download Favicon Photoshop template


Mobile Homescreen Icon



Icon shown when Canvas is bookmarked from a browser on a mobile device

Recommended size: 180 x 180 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG

Hot tip: Don’t worry about rounding the image corners; the smartphone/tablet will automatically do that.

Download Mobile Homescreen Icon sample file

Download Mobile Homescreen Icon Photoshop template


Windows Tile Square



Image for the square version of the Windows tile

Required size: 558 x 558 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG

Hot tips: 

  • To really fit in with the Windows 8 look and feel, create your image in all-white, and choose a vibrant background color from your brand guidelines.
  • Windows requires exact dimensions for an image used as a Windows tile. The image you upload for a Windows tile should meet the exact dimensions specified.

Download Windows Tile Square sample file

Download Windows Tile Square Photoshop template


Windows Tile Wide



Image for the wide version of the Windows tile

Required size: 558 x 270 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG

Hot tips: 

  • To really fit in with the Windows 8 look and feel, create your image in all-white, and choose a vibrant background color from your brand guidelines.
  • Windows requires exact dimensions for an image used as a Windows tile. The image you upload for a Windows tile should meet the exact dimensions specified.

Download Windows Tile Wide sample file

Download Windows Tile Wide Photoshop template


Right Sidebar Logo



Logo shown above the right sidebar on the Canvas Dashboard

Recommended size: 720 x 280 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG

Hot tips:

  • For best results, do not add any padding around the logo image and the image borders
  • If your institution has a rectangular-shaped logo that doesn’t fit well inside the square shape of the primary navigation logo, this is a great place to feature it.

Download Right Sidebar Logo sample file

Download Right Sidebar Logo Photoshop template


Background Image 



Image for the login background

Recommended size: 2800 x 2000 pixels

Recommended file export type: JPG (30–40% quality works)

Hot tips:

  • The full-screen background image is totally optional. You might prefer a simple background color, with no image (and will certainly take less time to load).
  • If your image is smaller than the recommended size, Canvas will scale it up; it just might look slightly pixelated.

Download Background Image sample file

Download Background Image Photoshop template


Login Logo



Logo shown at the top of the login page

Recommended size: 380 x 150 pixels

Recommended file export type: PNG (SVG can also be used for advanced users)

Hot tips:

  • The logo in your login page will be resized to 190 pixels wide, regardless of the size. 
  • The ideal size is still recommended to maintain strong image resolution for retina and/or large monitor displays. A smaller size may appear to be blurry.

Download Login Logo sample file

Download Login Logo Photoshop template


Last update: 2018-08-04

This resource can also be accessed from the following Canvas Guides:

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