Screen Capture Editing Tools for Studio

Community Coach
Community Coach

We just started using Arc (now Studio) this last week (yes, total newbie!!) and as we went to build our Internal training guides realized that there wasn't a lot of documentation offered on how to use the Screen Capture Editing Tools. It looks like these are some pretty powerful and useful features, but without knowing how they should work or the best way to use them I worried that we would really stumble through getting our faculty ready to use these tools. Yet, thanks to a little sleuthing and the power of the Internet I was able to find the following Screencast-O-Matic YouTube channel with videos on how to use ALL of their video editing tools! Yes, all of them!!


Note: You can only access these editing tools immediately after recording the video and before you save it. Once you've saved the video you won't have access to these tools, so make sure and edit as soon as you are done recording your video!


Here's the link to the main channel - Editing tool with Screencast-O-Matic - YouTube - and below are links to video on how to use the different individual tools!



I hope this helps and please share if you find (or create) any other resources or information on these tools!

Community Participant

Thank you, Kona Jones‌! These are great. I also found these resources on the editing tools (they may be similar to what you posted): screen capture application help documents. Can't wait to hear how you use and implement Arc at your institution. It's a powerful tool!

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @psanchez1 , thanks, we are having a lot of fun with it already! The link you provided is also on the Arc Screen Capture guide, but for the most part the videos didn't seem to go into much depth on the different features. That's why we went looking for more information. Thankfully we stumbled on these additional guides! We're also making a lot of our own videos for our Arc faculty training. Definitely a labor of love!


Community Contributor

I think it's ridiculous you can't edit an uploaded video.

Community Explorer

Does our admin have to turn on editing tools in studio? Mine do not come up. I made sure to not upload before trying to edit. I still do not get the editing tools when I hover over the timeline. 

Community Explorer

I have the same problem as mchaus. They said to me I had to install the editing software of screencast-o-matic, but you can only do that on a paid account and I don't have a screencast-o-matic account I guess...

Community Explorer

@stijn_castel  So I figured out my issue. I was using my personal computer, which I had downloaded the screencast-o-matic software (not paid) on prior to my district turning on Studio. So, I had to uninstall the software, and then install using my district Canvas/Studio account. I now have the "Edit" option. 

Community Explorer

It works! Me happy 😄