[ARCHIVED] In Canvas Studio quiz questions, is there a way to add images or equations?

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I am having trouble writing good math questions in Canvas Studio quizzes because there does not seem to be any sort of editor that allows me to add images or equations. Using alt-code characters helps a bit, but that option is not a full solution. 

Note: Canvas Studio is an add-on product that is separate from Quizzes. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @elad33 ...

We also have Studio, and it doesn't look like there are any options to add images or equations to the quiz questions you can add on top of your Studio videos.  It looks like you can only use normal text ... as there really isn't a Rich Content Editor (RCE) available in the Studio interface.  You might want to consider submitting that as a Feature Idea, though.  Here are some documents to look through:

I know this might not be the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps to answer your question.

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