Media Location

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In Studio, I click Insights, but do not see the Media Location drop-down which would allow me to see my students who viewed it.  Why is it not there?  And/or how can I get it?  If it helps, I embedded the video in an assignment and it does not seem to matter if the assignment has a paper or online submission.

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @KathrynKelchner ...

Hmmm....that is a bit strange.  To confirm with you, when you say that you have embedded a Studio video into a content page of your course, are you following the steps outlined in this Guide?  How do I embed Canvas Studio media in a Canvas cou... - Instructure Community (  If so, then that drop-down list [as illustrated in the image under the heading "Open Media" of this Guide: How do I view user insights and analytics for Canv... - Instructure Community (] should show up for you.  I would suggest that you reach out to Canvas Support if you are still not seeing that drop-down so that you can view the Insights of your students.  Support folks may have some other ideas for you.  How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?

Please come back to this topic to provide an update so we know if you've been able to get this resolved...thanks!

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