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Does anyone know what framerate Canvas studio records in?  I'm looking to import a video I created in Canvas to Lightworks.  There is an issue with frame-rate and audio sampling rate.  Any help would be appreciated.

Community Novice
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

When I am trying to use Studio, I hit the record button and then screen capture. Once I'm there I want the box where my face/camera would show up. I use this to show students things and show them things on the screen.The options for Webcam and Both d...

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

Whilst using Mac OS High Sierra and Chrome, one of our lecturers does nor have access to the record the active window option. Can anyone suggest a solution?

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

Is the insight feature completely useless? 

  • 2 Replies

If a student starts a video quiz, stops and comes back to the quiz is there a way they can start where they stopped at or do they have to start over?

  • 3 Replies

I made a video quiz for a Youtube video using Canvas Studio.  It seemed to work well after saving and testing it out but I wanted to go back in and change a question and some answer choices, but it wont allow me to do that.  It kept showing me an err...

  • 5 Replies

I am a Canvas administrator for a K-8 school.  Our institution purchased Studio thinking that it would be a good tool for teachers to leave video messages for students, especially younger ones.  We are finding that while Studio videos embedded onto c...

  • 4 Replies

How to share a Studio video with someone without a canvas account (eg. parent or grandparent)?

  • 4 Replies

I would like to create a new video in Canvas Studio, but later be able to upload it to my own YouTube channel. Can that be done? If so, what is the easiest way?The reason for this is that I want to create a promotional video to be shared with prospec...

  • 1 Replies

I have students who, sometimes, have to stop in the middle and leave. When they try to finish up, later, it makes them start from the beginning. How do i fix it to where it allows them to start where they ended?

  • 1 Replies

I have been recording with Canvas Studio. It was great! However, something changed. Now, after the screen recorder opens, I can no longer select the buttons "Webcam" and "Both" as I did previously. I click on them, but nothing happens. I'm not sure w...

  • 20 Replies

How do I bulk download video files from Studio as an administrator or instructor? /Christina

  • 5 Replies

Hi Canvas Gurus, Question: I uploaded the YouTube link into Studio, so faculty could watch analytics for participation or if he wanted to embed a quiz he could, but the video is just buffering/spinning and never opens. I thought maybe I uploaded too ...

  • 5 Replies

Recording audio in Studio When recording the web camera, no problems occur. However, when recording the screen capture the audio is in and out and the recording is garbled. Working on a Mac, with Bluetooth headset that works fine in all other video/a...

  • 5 Replies

Is there a limit on how many students you see on the Insights list.   I have students that are not showing up and trying to find out why the student isn't showing for me to check.  

  • 5 Replies

Hi, Canvas Fans!Does anyone know if Studio users can share a video quiz through Canvas Studio?Thanks,

  • 13 Replies

A colleague shared a Canvas Studio Collection of videos with me.  I would like to save these videos into my Studio Library rather than going to the Shared with Me tab.  For individual videos there is a "Copy to my Library" option, but I don't see thi...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I am designing and ESL course and students for my university report having issues uploading video from the rich content editor. It often will stall and not complete. Is this something I would need to have admins look at on the back end? Alternati...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know how long media files will be stored on my Canvas Studio account? At our institution we have Studio available, I believe for the next three years, so would any media file I upload be available even beyond the current academic year? Al...

  • 2 Replies

Hi there, I would like to save a copy of my video recordings and place them into our drop box as a reference...can I do this? and how do I do this please?

  • 1 Replies

Can I record and type at the same time to keep working while recording

  • 5 Replies

When creating videos in Studio, the voice is distorted and sounds mechanical.  When using other software to do voice recording, there is no issue with distortion.  How do we fix this?

  • 2 Replies

Is there any way for students to download the studio video quizzes?

  • 1 Replies

Hi, in a large course, I would like to see who has viewed a Studio and who has not. It takes forever to klick on each individual. Is there a way to do this? Thanks! Jonna

  • 4 Replies

I've had many students and parents come to me saying that making videos in canvas doesn't work. They record and then when they push save nothing happens. Some say it takes hours for it to upload and finally does while others say they select save and ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi all! I want to create a Canvas Studio video quiz in my course. I see in the Studio Guide that you need to go to the Studio Library, click the Options icon and click the Create Quiz. Here is my problem: I don't have the option Create Quiz. What can...

  • 2 Replies

Does the speed a video is viewed at affect the Insights? There is a faculty who has tried viewing videos at high speed and didn't see the high-speed time showing up.

  • 3 Replies

We have a user who cannot launch Studio Screen Capture. Worked with Canvas Help extensively (tried multiple browsers, clearing cache, updating Windows Security settings, etc, but the app just won't launch). Any suggestions on a fix?

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

I posted a studio video to one of my courses, say 101-01, in an annoucement. Students from courses 101-02 and 101-03 are showing up in the video insights. The only option for me is to post to all sections, but on the front of the announcement, it say...

Community Explorer
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

when I use the screen recorder, it only records by background picture, and not the powerpoint in front of it... what am I doing wrong?

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
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