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I deleted a video I made in Studio from my Front Page. Now there is a big gray box where the video had been that says, "Media Not Found." How do I get ride of this big ugly box?

  • 1 Replies

We just got Studio and I was watching a tutorial from another user who was showing how you could share computer audio via Screencast-O-Matic. I downloaded the current version and do not see this option, which in the tutorial was underneath the "Narra...

  • 2 Replies

Hi: Sometimes when I record a video in Canvas Studio, after it uploads and I click "Done," it disappears and does not show up in My Library. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Sometimes my videos show with no problem. Other times, I've had...

Community Explorer
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 1 Replies

Hi all,   I'm running into a mysterious issue where certain videos that are shared with me will show up, while others don't (even after several attempts on the sharers end of resending it).    I've run into this issue with two of my TA's and one of m...

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Canvas Studio Discussion
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Hi all!Does anyone know how much storage space Canvas Studio offers? Thanks! 

  • 9 Replies

Any idea why I keep getting a box that says "Failed to Encode" when I try to upload a screen capture to Canvas Studio?

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Canvas Studio Discussion
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Hi.  I teach Personal Communications. I need my students to be able to record themselves performing a speech WITH a slide show simultaneously. I made a video showing them how to do this in Canvas Studio where it offered Screen capture, web capture or...

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Canvas Studio Discussion
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I embedded in a page a video created in Canvas studio. I can't delete it unless I delete the whole page.Can anybody know how to delete it? Please help!

  • 8 Replies

I am trying to add captions to a video I uploaded to Studio. The video is in English and I was able to use the Canvas generate tool for the English captions (which worked fine). Now I am trying to also add Spanish captions to the same video by creati...

  • 4 Replies

Is it possible to disable comments in a Studio video after it has been embedded within a course with comments allowed? 

  • 16 Replies

I finished recording my ~20 minute screen capture lecture, only to have the app crash while uploading to Canvas Studio.  Is there any way to recover the video and re-upload, or do I need to record my entire lecture again?!?

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to embed a Canvas Studio video into a page that I created. I want the video to appear in a specific place on the page. Even though my cursor is on the correct place, the video embeds in the wrong spot. How can I get it placed correctly?

  • 1 Replies

We are new to Studio. I have a student who sent this screenshot below. The teacher does have a limit of 2 attempts.  Because we're so new to this, I'm not sure how to begin troubleshooting. Any advice?  

  • 2 Replies

I have no idea where to locate the two videos I recorded and uploaded in Canvas.  I can't find them!    

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to block bad words from the captions suggested by Studio Closed Captioning? I'm seeing some words I would never say show up in the captions, and I wondered if there is a way to teach it those words aren't a possibility for my videos.Th...

  • 1 Replies

I do not seem to have an edit button in my Canvas Studio. I would like to edit the videos I make. Any ideas on how to get the edit button?

  • 13 Replies
  • 1 Replies

I am trying to record videos in Studio with wireless AirPod Pro's. I am using an iMac with Catalina. I selected the microphone, used auto adjust volume and it seems to pick up my speech. However, when I record a video, if there is a brief silence, it...

  • 1 Replies

We created a video in studio, added a question. Saved the quiz. Embedded the content into a Quiz. When previewing the quiz, we don't see the question. How do we assign a quiz from a question that's embedded in a video in studio?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I am a college professor and am trying to record videos in Canvas Studio using Screen Capture. I select "Full Screen" and BOTH screen and webcam because I want the powerpoint slides and the video feed of me talking. Although I can get it to wo...

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Canvas Studio Discussion
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We found that when you access Studio through a course it will show up in the Course Media on your account and if you delete the content it will delete in the main account (course) where it is from, so you will be able to delete the content if it is n...

  • 1 Replies

I have assignments where students submit a video using Canvas Studio.  I would like students to be able to give each other comments (peer reviews) on their videos.If I select "Assign peer reviews" will students be given access to view and make commen...

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Canvas Studio Discussion
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I was able to embed the video as a quiz, however my students are telling me that it shows the loading symbol forever and the video does not load. This is the only way I found that I can see the students progress - seeing who watched the entire video ...

  • 2 Replies

Do I have Canvas Studio with the Canvas "success package"?

  • 1 Replies

I recorded a video in studio. I do not know how to get this video posted into announcements.

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Canvas Studio Discussion
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Hi: Was testing out to see what CS does with a captioned YouTube; it doesn't show the existing captions nor does it give me the option to auto caption? Looks like this: and the YouTube Link was

  • 10 Replies

If I embed a Studio video with quiz into a graded assignment, will the grade they make on the Studio quiz automatically populate into the grade book? Or will I have to manually enter the grades once they populate in the Studio video quiz result area?...

  • 1 Replies

If I embed a Studio video with quiz into a graded assignment, will the grade they make on the Studio quiz automatically populate into the grade book? Or will I have to manually enter the grades once they populate in the Studio video quiz result area?

  • 1 Replies

Hello: When I hit "Done" for my recording in Canvas Studio, I get this error message: Any ideas why it won't let me upload? Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!

Community Explorer
Canvas Studio Discussion
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Hi! I'm having a difficult time uploading videos with Studio. I tried to do a video with the screen capture at home, but it continues to tell me Failed to encode! Are you on a restricted computer at a school or business? How can I get this to work? T...

  • 2 Replies