embed course collection video on discussion board post

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I am trying to embed a video I created into a discussion board post.   I created the video several months ago and am reusing it.  The video is located in a Course Collection.  When I select the Studio button in the discussion board post to embed the video, I can only access My Library.  The Course Collection videos will not show up to be used even though I created the collection in the past.  I also can't move the video from the Course Collection back to My Library.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @SEastlake-Smith ...

@SEastlake-Smith wrote:

I am trying to embed a video I created into a discussion board post.   I created the video several months ago and am reusing it.  The video is located in a Course Collection.  When I select the Studio button in the discussion board post to embed the video, I can only access My Library.  The Course Collection videos will not show up to be used even though I created the collection in the past.

It is not possible to embed a Studio Collection onto a Canvas content page.  When you are editing a page in your course and select Studio, it lets you "View" the videos within your Collection, but there is no "Select" button on the Collection itself like there is with an individual video from your Studio library.  Sorry I don't have better news for you on this, but you'd have to embed each video individually on the page if you wanted students to watch a set of videos.  (Or, you might think of other ways to do this by creating one page for each video...or another option, if you had Cidi Labs DesignPLUS would be to make a page of tabbed content with a video on each tab.)

I also can't move the video from the Course Collection back to My Library.

You should be able to do this if you click on the "Studio" icon on the far left-hand global navigation button.  I just tried this in my own sandbox environment.  I was able to move a video out of a Collection ... to my root "My Library" ... and then back into the Collection.  How do I move media to a collection in Canvas Studio?

I hope this will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any questions...thanks!

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