Multiple roles in a course break the course navigation

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So I reported this to support (case #07776653) but I also wanted to post it here for everyone else to see that may come across this issue. 

If a user has both Student and Teacher roles in a course, they see the "Manage Subject" button at the top of the course which is supposed to allow them access back to the classic course navigation. But after clicking the button, the navigation does not appear. You have to remove the student role and then it will appear. 

Our use case is that we use a nightly sis import to create a "Faculty" course for each school where the principal is the teacher and the faculty are students. Sometimes the principal wants one of the other staff to also be a teacher in the course. Since it's all automated, you can't just edit their role and change it to teacher because it will change it back at night. So instead, you just manually add them to the course a teacher (so it will stick) and now they have both roles. 

So I think the teacher and admin roles should allow them to see the course navigation even if they have a student role which is how it works without C4E enabled.

1 Solution

@MattHanes, the fix for this was deployed to production yesterday. Thanks again for alerting us to the issue! 

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